Hey there guys, I got myself the Wheelman game for PC a few days ago, but unforunately when I run the executable, I would notice horrid lags, and it would take me about 15minutes to get to the menu, who was lagging as well!
So I started hunting for answers on the internet, and I stumbled upon this topic and found kenga123's fix who suggested to disable Kaspersky Internet Security in order for the game to work.
I immediately tried that, and out of nowhere, it started working but there was one thing that I felt was not right. I don't like being online with my security softwares disabled.
So I looked more deeply into Kaspersky, and found another fix that would allow me to play the game with Kaspersky enabled at all time.
It's the following - :
Go to settings -> Threats and exclusions -> Trusted Zone -> Trusted Applications -> Find WheelmanGame-Final.exe and check all three options.
Obviously, that's all done in Kaspersky.
The game should now work 100% fine!!