Cut You Up With a Linoleum Knife
by Hotwad on Comments
Sooooo, been a while again since ive "blogged". Not much up really. Not a whole lot of game playing going on...well, not as much as usual anyway. On the psp from i recently finished Daxter. I enjoyed it alot more than i though that i would. i was kinda itching for a psp game to play and this seemed to be the game to go to. Its really awesome and for 19.99 its kinda hard not to recomend. Very nice looking game, in the top 5 for sure. Also on the psp front, i had me a best buy gift card so i used it to order Gurumin. It came in a day or two ago, and again another nice game. The graphics definately are not very flatering, but they arent terrible either. As far as game play its pretty addicting running through the dungeons (its and action rpg). Its very anime-ish so if you cant put up with that crap then dont even bother with the game (i personaly hate anime, but im dealing with it). the voice acting is so-so like the graphics, but damn that adicting gameplay. xbox360 is seeing little to no action right now. im really kind of waiting for Blue Dragon to come out. I dont think that there is much between now and then comming out that i just really have to have for it. Aside from some dling media and pacman ce tho...nada. now where things get flipped is im actually playing my ps3. yes thats right playing the PS3. No im not using it for ps2 games. It is actually functioning as it was a next gen system. I know im lying right? No get this, super stardust amazing. Its basically Asteroids meets Geometry Wars, and it works..well. Its extremely addicting. And at 7.99 its a real bargain. It has 5 separate planets each with 5 separate "levels" and an end bos to each planet. I have yet to finish it because it is pretty difficult. Definately if you have a ps3 this is the must have PSN title. Also burning up the ps3 is The Darkness. This game is great. I havent enjoyed a shooter so much in a long while. The game definately earns its M rating. It has some very mature content, but nothing insane thrown in that was just put there for thrills, its all within the context of the game. The story is alot deeper than you may think all while not really taking itself too seriously. Zombie Nazis anyone? Im just really glad to finally have a ps3 game spinning in it putting it to use. Definately another recomended game for 360 or ps3. Im excited for tomorrow because, yes finaly, Ninja Gaiden comes out. So yet another reason to have the ps3 up and running. Ill be on that one first thing after work tomorrow. In otehr news i have put down the money for a new HDTV. Yes i already have one, but its dated technology. No true 16:9 view...yuck. Anyway here it is: Seems nice enough, plus its a size upgrade for me. Picture in Picture over HDMI was kind the main sale for me. Anyway thats comming in anytime this week. Sooo thats about it for all of you not reading this, later.