Well I haven't updated in a while, because basically I have not felt like it. And thats how I ride, Dirty. Not alot has been going on as far as new games or anything really. Im working on the PSP version of Riviera right now and am about 21 hoursor so into it. Its a pretty cool game, definately not like other rpgs, in that, you don't move you caracter with the directional pad, per say. You give one command, up, down, left orright depending on it there is an ooption for it, then you will just move to the next screen in that direction. The movement goes by tiles or panels, each one being a whole screen. Its not as complicated as it sounds at all. Looks like I will have more time to finish up on that, in that Persona 3, a game I have been waitin on has been delayed due to production reasons. I was pretty bummed when I found this out, but meh whatcha gonna do. I dled Bomberman Live for xbox360 and have been playing that a little bit. Its just as fun as any other bomberman, but has online play. So get it, cause its awesome. As far as the ps3 goes im still finishing up on Planet Earth Bluray. Awesome. If you have a PS3 then you owe it to yourself to buy this and watch it. I finished Ninja Gaiden Sigma and am now running throught a second time on the harder dificulty...we will see how that goes. Also i talked myself into downloading Castlevania Symphony of the Night from the PSN, and man I am glad i did. This is a great game. I never played it back in the day, but im enjoying it now, though it can be kind of punishing if you dont level yourself up well. Lets see what else....on the Wii Virtual Console today I dled one of my all time favorite games, Shinning Force. Paying 8 dollars for it is a great deal considering what i wuld have had to pay for it on the market. Now thye jsut need to release the even better second one. Whelp..thats about it really. Oh new pictures of the Television are up. I need to invest in a new camera really bad..the shots are the best i could get and are still bad. Anyway thats about it.
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