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Just in time

So i have been very sck the past few days and played little to no games really. With the exception of today. Today i finally finished Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. It's and alright game but man Nintendo really pushes the tedium barrier at the end. I put in quite a few hours into it today since i needed o finish it before tomorrow, when Rouge Galaxy hits. I tried playing Castelvania portrait of Run on my ds, but literaly 7 seconds in i died. hat game takes up 2 times what any rpg takes to level up. I dont have that kinda patience or tme so im thinking that game may go on the burner. Anyway I Dled Mario Kart 64 for Nintendos rediculous prices....its ok because i missed it back in the N64 days. Thursday I hope to get Conrta 3 as well. I spent many a days with my friends as a kid trying to get through that game but to no avail. Maybe now that im older and, alot better at games maybe i will actually beat it. Anyway Rouge Galaxy Tomorrow yay! Well thats all.