HristoSK9's forum posts
Sounds like what Mass Effect 2 and Spore did, up to some extent. However, a gameworld of that size is pretty much impossible at the moment due to memory restrictions. Even Blu-Ray won't be nearly enough to support something like that.I was thinking of a game that allowed you to explore a star system, each planet would have a lot to do and the maps would be very large, like the Capital Wastland in Fallout 3, you were hired by a corporation to explore a star system for planets capable of colinization, you will encounter the various wildlife on all the planets, you will also gain experiece points. You will get missions from your ship and you will be able to set up outposts at certain locations, at outposts you can also get missions, you can sleep to next day, heal yourself and your team, and designate a new landing zone for your ship, your ship can only land in certain spots but this will save you a long trip to your ship. Vehicles will also be in there, tanks, fast transport vehicles (like a snowmobiel), and light armor vehicles will be available at your ship; you can earn money through mining, you can find new landing zones by scouting the terrain, and eventually when you explore enough of a certain area you can start colinization, but it doesn't end there, after colinization begins you can continue the colinization by aiding in the enlargment of the colony. The bigger the colony the more money from your corporation you get, there will also be occasional random events, for example, a pack of predators might attack a small colony on the same planet you are on, you can go in and fight off the animals and earn some money and experience, you might also be asked by your corporation to look into the disapearance of a colonist frigate, you will go to the frigate and figure out what happened and look to stop the source of the attack. This is just an idea I came up with yesterday, I think it sounds pretty good.
Well, Half Life 2 and Portal are decent for the Xbox, but TF2 can't compare. The unlocks and the altogether better gameplay aren't on the consoles. If you want to have the best Orange Box experience, get it for PC.Yeah but Half-Life 2 works well on the Xbox 360, I was surprised, but I don't have a good enough computer to play Half-Life 2 without it moving at the speed of continental drift. One day I will get a gaming laptop so I can play PC games and not take up all that much space.
Umm, sounds like you're a bit confused dude. The Orange Box isn't a game. It's a package. It features 5 other games, which are : Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1, Half Life 2 Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. I strictly recommend getting it as it's a great deal, though you're better off getting it for the orange box the better version of the two?
and whats the other version?
i was thinkin earlier, what if someone like bioware, made a fantasy placed RPG with a new kind og level up system, check it out!
you earn points for defeating foes and completing quests, standard RPG
but then have each of your skills represented by a meter, it costs points to move that meter up and like a thousand points to maybe buy a powerful ability.
whatcha think?
Good idea but I don't think it will be a major change to the game. It does sound like a pleasant little tweak though.
Steam ID : 0EvolutionBeastXxX78
I play TF2 and I might start CS Source again. I don't play too often but feel free to add me.
I type properly (resting your fingers on the home row, and thumbs on the space bar), with all my fingers, and my thumbs on the space bar.
For some reason I find that impossible to do.
[QUOTE="Hellfire-1"]I absolutly CANNOT stand coach. I honestly believe that he is delusional, because he claims to hold a kayaking record, but does not. Also, explain how a soccer coach prides himself on "honesty" when he lied to his employers about where he was going when he was leaving to compete on last season. And how does he come across a "yoga" or whatever that is so obscure "if you type it into google, it will not come up" in his own words. The man is delusional. Also, the lie detector test that he took last season would not work if he actually was delusional, or if it was not admisnistered properly. Russel however, is a smart man, but his personality makes him unlikable and destined to lose. Maybe if he can tone it down, he may have a chance this time.HristoSK9
I absolutly CANNOT stand coach. I honestly believe that he is delusional, because he claims to hold a kayaking record, but does not. Also, explain how a soccer coach prides himself on "honesty" when he lied to his employers about where he was going when he was leaving to compete on last season. And how does he come across a "yoga" or whatever that is so obscure "if you type it into google, it will not come up" in his own words. The man is delusional. Also, the lie detector test that he took last season would not work if he actually was delusional, or if it was not admisnistered properly.Hellfire-1Yeah, at least that guy has no chance at all of winning anything and at least he brings us some lulz at least. I remember the last season he was on when he pretended to be hurt instead of just falling off the boards they had to stand on. I mean, he just looks over at the other guy and you can actually see the idea going through his mind lol. And the scream was so funny lol he just randomly shouted out ''Yaargh!''. Coach is a bit of a f*g. All that honour BS was just retarded. He's probably told more lies than Russell and he calls himself ''The most honest guy out here.''. Oops, sry, double post.
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