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HrolfTheStrange Blog

good bye

I'm leaving gamespot know that they have lost all credibility and reliability. I know no one really reads this, but just thought I might want to make an official notice. I'll be on 1up from now on... so yeah... bye gamespot, I had a good time but I have to leave and move on now. I may come on a few other times soon to wrap up some things.. but this is basically it, for anyone that cares.

ABC shows

It's fall again so that means that commercials for new shows and new seasons of shows and I've noticed something... All the ABC shows are the crappiest, trashiest, most pop, substenceless filler ever!!! I mean yes Fox, Nbc, and Cbs do have some pretty stupid shows, yet they do have many very good comedy's and dramas, Fox has Simpsons, King of the Hill, House, ect. NBC has the office, and my name is Earl, ect. and CBS has Criminal minds, numbers, ect., but what does ABC have the pathetically popular, trash heap of Desperate House wives, the Unrealistic crap filler that is Grey's anatomy, or one of there new shows, the most stupid possible substenceless, raunchy show possible, Dirty Sexy Money. I will probably never watch these horrible pieces of garbage on Abc prefering to watch the good shows on the other channels.

educational games

These V smile games and all educational "videogames" like them are ruining all games reputations. These games are will not make the future generation get onto games it will most likely turn them away from games kids should get a real experience my first system was a sega Genesis given to me by my uncle. besides while most of the world won't believe me it is true that normal games are in fact educational, the amount of reading as a little kid Pokemon helped me read, age of Empires and some other RTSs are great teachers of English. I guarantee that games in general have taught me more about english, history, and science then the school I'm currently going to. With the exception of math I'd say that games can teach kids better then most schools on almost any subject including the non main courses, like music, art and others. These educational games on top of being unnecessary educational tools using games are also degrading games in general with their commercials saying games are bad and it makes videogames look like stupid children's toys without any intellectual stimulation at all!!!! These "videogames" would not be considered games at all yet the public likes the concept of tricking their children with these sorry excuses for games and educational tools.


music, we all now it inspires emotion and feeling to the listener, and in movies it is used for the very same in order to create suspense or emphasize something and various other things. but is it that important in games, yes it is, itsets the feeling for ceratin areas in game, scenarios,or just traveling. In certain games it even sets this rythmic beat that makes you play the game, like REZ, Every Extend Extra, or luminus. Music it's important for almost all types mediums of art, it can change the mood and feel for just about any piece of art, even literature with the possibility of music in your mind or if your just like listening to music while reading. And finally the fine arts of painting, and sculpture the music you listen to while veiwing can change the whole experience. This great influence of art by music is not just for the beholder of the arts, but also for the artist, just listening to music while making art can influence the product in every way. Art is also the most absractform of art as it is always different to the beholder, one song can be from joyful, to sad depending on the person and it is never quit the same to any two people. With music it is almost as if the listener is the artist and not the maker. Music, it's important to all humans even if we don't recognize it. buy back to the point even if it's a less important aspect of games then gameplay it is still extremely important in all forms of art it comes with.

My List

For all of you who don't know what Earl Hicky's list is from my name is Earl here's an explanation. A criminal after being hit by a car deicides to right his karma by making a list of everything he's done wrong and one by one is going to make them up. I've also made a list like this in order to right my game karma. I'm going back to every game I've wronged, things I never beat, I bought but didn't play or cheated in. And so in order to fix the gaming slump I've been in. I'm beating these games one by one trying to make my game closet a better place, I'm just trying to be abetter gamer, My name is Hrolf the Strange.

The Last Emporer

Recently I watched a movie called the Last Emporer, I saw on the box it had been nominated for 9 academy awards when it came out. This movieis based on the spectacular and moving story of the last emporer of china. Along with a stunning soundtack the film cinematically told the story of the man raised to be lord of a country but whose life took a devastating turn as constant wars and regime changes tore apart his country. After his short lived and childhood seat in power He watched as his entire known world was looted and ripped out from under him. The man who just wanted to be emporer of China, eventuallywas taken in by the Japanese during world war 2 for a worst turn than ever in his life. The last emporer of China after a long stay in war camps, made by the chinese Communists he woke up in an entirely different world, his old home, The Forbidden city, a museum. this epic film about all that happened to one man in China simply trying to take back the only thing he knew, what he had been raised to do, all while the world looked away from China. This is a fantastic film, paired with itsauthentic recreation of early 1900 China, itswonderful soundtrack,and expert cinematography.

They answered my question!!

Rich Gallup read my name and Jeff Gerstman answered my question!! i asked about new weapons in the beta and they actually answere my question on the Halo 3 marathon!! This is the first time they answered me. WOOOOOTTTT!!!!! They also pronounced my last name correctly which is usually is hard for most people.

Oriental mask

 I recently just got a mask from a antique vendor from Asia. I got it for only $40 and we estimate it is about 100 years old. It also has real human hair for the facial hair of the mask. The closest i can tell the mask is made of some material softer than wood but not paper or anything. in all my searches on the internet I could not find any information about any masks with similar styles. Any ideas how I could find out more about this mask???

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Does anyone else have an "is this all there is" feeling about Oblivion. I know the world is way bigger and has way more sidequests than Morrowind but it has way less types of arms and armor, but it also doesn't have enough Guilds and Factions to join, such as the political houses which were probably the best factions in Morrowind. Also the world isn't as interesting as Morrowind. Anyway maybe I'm just being picky.