music, we all now it inspires emotion and feeling to the listener, and in movies it is used for the very same in order to create suspense or emphasize something and various other things. but is it that important in games, yes it is, itsets the feeling for ceratin areas in game, scenarios,or just traveling. In certain games it even sets this rythmic beat that makes you play the game, like REZ, Every Extend Extra, or luminus. Music it's important for almost all types mediums of art, it can change the mood and feel for just about any piece of art, even literature with the possibility of music in your mind or if your just like listening to music while reading. And finally the fine arts of painting, and sculpture the music you listen to while veiwing can change the whole experience. This great influence of art by music is not just for the beholder of the arts, but also for the artist, just listening to music while making art can influence the product in every way. Art is also the most absractform of art as it is always different to the beholder, one song can be from joyful, to sad depending on the person and it is never quit the same to any two people. With music it is almost as if the listener is the artist and not the maker. Music, it's important to all humans even if we don't recognize it. buy back to the point even if it's a less important aspect of games then gameplay it is still extremely important in all forms of art it comes with.
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