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The Last Emporer

Recently I watched a movie called the Last Emporer, I saw on the box it had been nominated for 9 academy awards when it came out. This movieis based on the spectacular and moving story of the last emporer of china. Along with a stunning soundtack the film cinematically told the story of the man raised to be lord of a country but whose life took a devastating turn as constant wars and regime changes tore apart his country. After his short lived and childhood seat in power He watched as his entire known world was looted and ripped out from under him. The man who just wanted to be emporer of China, eventuallywas taken in by the Japanese during world war 2 for a worst turn than ever in his life. The last emporer of China after a long stay in war camps, made by the chinese Communists he woke up in an entirely different world, his old home, The Forbidden city, a museum. this epic film about all that happened to one man in China simply trying to take back the only thing he knew, what he had been raised to do, all while the world looked away from China. This is a fantastic film, paired with itsauthentic recreation of early 1900 China, itswonderful soundtrack,and expert cinematography.