OH BOY, I always wanted to share my ach... oh wait I didn't... Maybe if it was "Got #1 score, save my entire play" but thats usually longer than 15 minutes. Last time I got a score worth saving... it was at least 1 hr session. Judging by this article Neither system meets those requirements, hence neither system is worth owning *cancels PS4 preorder I never had*
Have 600 hours of dota 2, 100-125 of which are watching matches over dotatv. I've spent around $45 or roughly $1 for every 10 hrs of actual play. Could I have spent money on other games over Steam, hell yeah I could have, but then I also spend money on games I touch for less than 10hrs that never get that low of a price:time ratio like I got on dota 2. I have a better chance of blowing my money on a steam sale on awful games then I do putting money into games I play time and time again.
And unless a great tutorial is implemented all the beginner players are just gonna get torn apart online. I play it alot and bought a compendium, but the one tutorial they have didn't teach me much and feels like a set back instead of a step forward.
@SolidTy E-sports dont need more sequels, great competitive games last at least a decade on its own, BW lasted 10yrs, 1.6 lasted 10yrs, quake 3 lasted 10 years. If you need a new sequel every 12-18 months, why should I even bother investing the time now when I have to watch something new in the future. Fighting games never work because the only ones people come back to are Street Fighter and Marvel, and both have 2/3 itterations in the past 5 years. If your churning out a new version every 3-5 years, you failed in making a great e-sport.
Hsanrb's comments