Unfortunately for me, I don't use any of this. I play games on my xbox and that is it. All I see here is $$$$. What I would like from Microsoft next gen is the ability to micromanage exactly what you want from them. If you don't use gold for anything but playing online, then why pay for any other features. I can easily see the price of a gold membership going up in the near future, when all I really want to do with it is play online with other people. Something that I should be able to do now for much less than $60. The all or nothing membership is what truly irks me.
You would think if anything the used game market stimulates the buying of video games. I know when there are three or so new releases coming out that I want to play instead of getting just one I will buy one, beat it, sell it, and buy the next repreat process. If there is no used market there is no way I am buying three new video games without some way to be reimbursed. Right now I can buy one for $60 then sell it for $30 and put that towards the next game. So instead of buying three for $180 I can get them for $120 or $90 if I sell the third game back. The developers still get all three sales, im just not broke afterwards. The only games I hang onto are ones I really enjoyed and see myself coming back to them in a year or so. And when the average game, besides your rpg's and online multiplayer games, only takes about 10 hours to complete $60 is pretty outrageous anyways. I need to get some of my money back if they expect me to continue to buy up their new releases. With big sellers coming out three sometimes more at a time I think they will notice alot of people choosing one of them instead of buying all three. This is nothing more than greedy companies creating a scapegoat. (No not an escapegoat! )
This bill is ridiculous. Have they really become this crazy to chase video games off the streets with their torches ablaze. So when do we start putting this warning on movies and tv shows. Id say real people (actors) dying on the big screen is much worse than any video game. Im no expert but there are plenty of studies that have concluded that long term, we just dont know how they affect people. But we do know that measuring heart beat 20 min after and showing them violent images just after they were done playing a game is not an accurate representation of long term affects.
This is depressing really. When did we become so dumb to give our money away to some fancy cg? Many of which completely misrepresent what the game will actually be.
Hubadubalubahu's comments