Pros: Original Storyline, great weapons, Hakha - Rico relationship works well, good antagonist, Urban levels very fun, Helghast look very evil and awe-inspiring, couldn't just run-and-gun u had to use tactics, seemed like a real war, when you see the Earth fleet arrive and get insta-pwnt felt awesome.
Cons: Rico's chaingun could kill anything and started with 999 ammo and 3 rockets -_-'', bad framerate, no vehicles, character faces wouldn't load if you ran up to them too fast, Swamp and Jungle levels were HORRIBLE, SD Platform hallways were too dark and enemies could just be right around a corner with a shotgun and you wouldn't know it until it's too late, bad AI,no co-op, anti-climatic end.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Pros: Super bad-ass main character, Assault rifle was fun to use, Elites would sometimes be invisible which gave a sense of eerieness, co-op was VERY fun during the flood levels, great AI,vehicles were okay, you could flip vehicle if it fell over, climatic end.
Cons: Master Chief looks like a green powerranger, could jump 7-feet in the air, Warthogs and Ghosts handled like CRAP on ice, weapons weren't very fun just generic,enemies weren't very hard (except the Elites with Swords), Cortana looks ugly >_>.
THIS IS ALL OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!