I just thought I'd rant a little about Kingdom Hearts.
In the first Kingdom Hearts, you had so much to do like completeing your collection of Ansem Reports, getting all this stuff for the Ultima Weapon, finding Coud to fight Sephiroth and even the story was amazing.
But Kingdom Hearts 2 butched almost everything I love about Kingdom Hearts. They made Sora act like a 3-year-old, Goofy is now the smart one, they got rid of the tournament in Olympus Colosseum (sorta), Kiari looks 5-years older now, Riku looks friggin 25, the King shows up too many times.
The only things I liked about KH2 were: Great gameplay, Organization was alright, gummi ships were better.
The one thing I loved about KH2 though, was playing as Roxas. He should have been the main character, he's much more interesting. He's running from his past, people are controlling him, his world is being destroyed, he's constantly being attacked by the Nobodies.