@offspring94 As I mentioned in an earlier post, contemporary psychologists don't recognize the term 'psychopath' as a clinical term. It isn't accurate for any particular diagnosis and hasn't been used for a while now within the psychology community. Therefore, psychologists no longer refer to whatever definition of 'psychopath' you're referring to as a legitimate psychological diagnosis.
While this article is interesting, it isn't accurate or up to date in terms of psychology in the least. Having just received a BS in Psychology, one of the first things I was taught was that the term 'psychopath' isn't a clinical term. It used to be back when this test to diagnose a 'psychopath' was made, but no longer applies in the contemporary field of psychology. Cole definitely has some characteristics of some sort of mental disorder and, yes, according to this outdated test he would classify as a psychopath to an extent. However, some of the reasoning for why Cole is a psychopath is a bit of a stretch ('Parasitic Lifestyle' is one that stood it to me, if only for the reason that while playing the game you know so little about his home life save toward the very end of the game, but even then you don't know anything about his wife). Also, as some people have mentioned, Cole would NOT be classified in contemporary psychology as a sociopath (or as it is now called ASPD, Anti-Social Personality Disorder). The biggest clue for someone with ASPD is a lack of empathy entirely. Cole can at times be said the have this, but for those that have finished the main story line, you know he isn't completely without empathy. If I were to diagnose Cole, I would say he has a combination of sever depression, possibly bipolar disorder, and quite obviously PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
@knifey TheCadaver6 is definitely not wrong to assume there is only one line of correct answers. It's true that you can still get by if you don't answer everything correctly, but, like he said, in order to get 5 stars on all of the cases, you have to get all of the interrogation questions answered correctly. There's a reason why at the end of the case it says you got x out of x (e.g. 12/14) interview questions answered correctly. While there are different ways to do the story line, there is only one correct way to answer all of the questions and get a perfect 5 for the case. For this to really be a guide as opposed to a long explanation of the plot it needs to include those sorts of things.
Most of what is said here is pretty straight forward and doesn't really help much. Whoever is writing this should add what to say and when in all of the interviews and where all of the clues are.
This article has officially created a new breed of forum fanboy. We're all familiar with the Sony fanboy, the XBOX fanboy, the PC fanboy, the Nintendo fanboy, and the elusive Atari fanboy. But now to the playing field steps the SG (Social Gaming) fanboy...
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