They Put Supergirl in this game awesome I'll be a happy man if they put Power Girl In Injustice 2 because she is my fav heroine of the DC Universe. I loved Injustice on PS3 now I get to enjoy Injustice 2 on PS4.
I'm a comic fan I would LOVE to have a Marvel version of this game with the Avengers facing the X-men. I loved Injustice gods Among us also I loved the Comic I just hope they put my Favourite DC Superhero in Injustice 2 Power Girl.
I don't care for the wait of Street Fighter V I really want to see Tekken X Street Fighter
That's the Game I want
If Ultra Street Fighter IV has the Same Modes in Street Fighter X Tekken like tag modes and Scramble battle This will be my last Street Fighter game
I can Understand why people doesn't want to buy it. After the whole DLC thing with SFxT I was so pissed off I had to pay content that was ALREADY ON THE BLOODY DISC!!!!
I like SFxT also if Ultra Street fighter IV had the tag team modes That would be cool I get to use my fav characters in a team battle.
This is great for me I don't have a PS Vita and I wanted Dead or Alive Plus but I wanted it so bad I'll get this game and Trade in DOA5. I didn't think they will pull a capcom everyone copies everyone
@Scorpion1813 @_Silent_Jay_ I agree 100% I wanted Power Girl in this game she won the poll between Super Girl Herself and Batgirl and yet Batgirl is in it what the hell.
@Scorpion1813 @sparvind I'm a batman fan and I find it Unecessary to put that much batman cahraters in the main roster. At Least put Fan Favourites as DLC such as my Fav DC Hero Power Girl and Martian Manhunter.
@Scorpion1813 @System4Ever And yet they Still put Batgirl in even though Power Girl won I wanted her to be in this Game she's my Fav Super Heroine All I ask is Her.
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