Humanmango's forum posts
He puts it in his blog "Don't get yourselves hyped up" and what are you guys doing?lzorro
We can't help ourselves :P
The most intimidating videogame character to me is that dude with the trench coat (Nemesis?) from Resident Evil 3. The bosses from Zelda: TP were friggin' insane, but they were so easy that I couldn't put them up.Zerostatic0
Well, this is LINK we're talking about here.
If we stuck YOU in Arbiter's Grounds with Stallord for company, how long would YOU live?
[QUOTE="bendover21"][QUOTE="C_dog9"]Yes they do, moron:|Good. keep their crap from spreading.
And another thing, nintendo doesnt make games fool. They publish them.
No they dont idiot :| legend of zelda for GBA is developed by capcom and F-zero is developed by SEGA. I'd expect a sheep like you to know this. Smash brothers is also developed by pal and pokemon is developed by gamefreak
Mario? Where's Mario?:wink:
yes i would like kratos and loyd from Tales of Symphonia
Ask and you shall recieve. Look for the fourth post on the eighteenth page..
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