Am I a fanboy??? I could easily be call that since all my life I supported the Playstation brand no matter what happend to it. I've been called names, got e-mails amog other things for stikking up for Playstation. But to be honest I always had good resons. If there where games that I fealt where just a cheep shot and was just an insult to gamers, I would turn my back on it or attack it or try to tell people about it. Most of the times they didn't agreed with me because Sony or whatever company has hyped up the game so high it wasn't even funny! Latelly another game came up that is just an insult on gamers and it doesn't deserv to bear the Playstation name on it. That game is called Warhawk. In the beginning when Warhawk was shoved my hopes where high for that game. I fealt like it will be a UT killer the first AAA game for the PS3 and could not have waited to play with it. But as time went by the game just declined and many many people can't seem to notice that. The developers took out Single player from the game wich was a big mistake. I mean every great game became a great game because of it's single player with just 1 or 2 exeptions. Warhawk to me is just a half done game. It's like takeing single player out from UT or not make any more Half-Life's just Counter-Strikes. Single player is esential!!!!! Many people don't have a high-speed internet connection to play online and many people are not even interested in playing online. It is fun though sometimes but whenever you go up there will be a few people who don't do anything else just play the game online and they beat the **** out of you. It takes out the fun factor of the game. You can't tell me that you like to loose all the time. It makes you mad!! Also there is no story to be told in multiplayer just killing others mindlessly. Maybe I have a bad taste but I do like games that have a story and keeps me occupied. Take Resistance for example. I like the story so much I played the campaign trough 4 times. I played it online too but after the 4-5th round I got tired and didn't play. Games sould be about enjoyment and getting angry or mad. SO here we have Warhawk...all promisses no deliveries. When it first surficed I remember reading that it will have an engagin and long campaign and great multiplayer. Now we are left with great multiplayer. Basicaly they cut the game in half because they where too lazy to build the campaign correctly or they didn't had any ideas for a story......that's not a good sign for imagination....anyways here we are with that half game and some people are still crazy about it. What they don't seem to relize is they can be spinn around easily that it's discusting. If companies see this they will all be like...."Ahh screw the story....screw singleplayer...all people want is multiplayer so let's **** out games every 6months it doesn't matter what quality it is, let's just hype it up like the Warhawk guys and it will all be good." Well I say no to that **** Don't get me wrong! It's nice to play with other people but it's even better to play a good long engaging single player story where you always can be the top dog no matter what. I want developers to work hard and give me a great experience....don't just design 8 levels and throw it at us and say be happy with it and come up with all ridiculus excuses that there was no time, there was no money....bull****!!!! These developers are lazy....and all they want is our money as fast as possible and as much as possible. So if every next gen game is $59.99 than Warhawk will be 59.99 as well? And there will be idiots to buy it regardless it's a half done game. They say there will be grapichal improovements....there was none!! I haven't seen anything improoved on it grapichaly! People still look as stupid as they did when the first time they showed Warhawk to us. It's just unbelivable. It's is your BMW but there is a Honda Civic engine in it...I hope you don't mind...also there is no aircondition but we hope that's fine.....and all the BMW fans are problem we will buy it regardless because it's a BMW. What an idiot some people are. It just shows that anything can be sold to them it just has to be packaged right and they will take it. When a developer say that this can't be done...that can't be done, they are lieing!! They just wanna market their game as soon as it becaomes working. Look at come that he takes his time and creates a great game??? Look at the guys how are douing Heavenly come I see improovements there? How come people see that but don't see that Warhawk is been the same since the first frikkin time it was show??? How is that possible??? Are people that brainwashed?? I would be the most happy guy if Warhawk indeed turns out to be a great game and I'm wrong! But from what I'm seeing of the game so far...all the pictures all teh gameplay videos it look very bad. With the removel of the single player campaign they killed the game.
I'm not agains Sony in any means!! I love Playstation till death. I've been useaing Playstation consoles since 1997 and my most favorite memories are from the times when I played games like Timb Raider 1,2 and 3 Tekken 2,3,tag tournament, 4 ,5, Crash bandicoot 1,2,3, Resident Evil 1 and 2 GTA 3 and SA Tenchu...etc.
But let it be know that I'm not hating Xbox 360 either. I'm buying the new Elite version of the system this summer.
I'm just amazed how fanboys would protect something that crearly insulting even them just because it has the name brand Playstation attached to it.