So yeah, I caved in and bought Elite Beat Agents and totally conquered that game on every difficulty and am now working on getting Perfects on every song on Hard ROCK!! mode.
Fred Meyer was having some decent looking games on eight dollar clearance so I got Full Spectrum Warrior 2 and Driver 4, and may get The Warriors also, and I also got Children of Mana as well. I'm thinking of getting Kirby Squeak Squad as that looked fun. Also, Hotel Dusk Room 215 comes out next week and I'm dying to get it as EGM, my favorite gaming publication, gave it an 8, 8 and 10. Plus it's from the creators of Trace Memory and I love Trace Memory.
As far as school goes, I was assigned to do a presentation of Hydrogen in my chemistry class. My teacher said it was amazing that I raised the bar, and the class reaction was priceless. You can see it on YouTube here:
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