Okay, well first, let me say that Slyfur is posting this, not Jessie.
Anyway, most of you that are in the Catz Clan know that my Anti-Navi Union is being put on hold. Let me explain why.
I don't want to risk the Catz Clan, so when this profile, HylianCat6, becomes a level 6, I am going to make the union with this profile, then make the new leader Slyfur. So in some unions I will be active with this account instead of Slyfur. The unions I will continue to be Slyfur in are The Catz Clan and The Zelda Universe Union. As for most of the others, I will join with this profile and be active this way.
Oh! And I've join Icanhascheezburger.com under the user name Slyfur. So if you have a Icanhascheezburger account, friend me, and if you don't have one and like cats, then make one and friend me!
Just wanted to let you know, thanks.