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PC Boost

Im using a 5 year old PC, and thats AWFUL when we stop to wonder how fast technology goes, so, hopefully if all works out, im changing my old coke can for a high end PC, which means that Im getting more games and spending more time playing and testing out new games that Im not able to play in this old bag

Im posting this just...to make me feel more hopeful xD

PC gaming is going down

Although it pains me to say this, but pc gaming is not how it used to be, piracy is consuming every bit of the market, and what seemed promising and really the gaming future is now the worst nightmare of the industry, its own ally, the technology, is now its worst enemy, instead of working to get a perfect protected game the technology makes it easier to crack open the safety of every disc or removable, your brain is no longer safe, my friend.

But its not all over, yet!

The future lies in these two cute removables, the HD-DVD and the Blu-Ray, like in previous technology battles, we all win on this one, and piracy will be seriously wounded from this strike, games will get bigger and safer, wich means a better money income, with more money in the market the pc gaming industry can flourish once again and take larger leaps into the technology beyond, which greatly influentiates the console industry as well.

Hopefully thats not just another dream

What Gamespot has done Wrong


This, my friend, is the worst news I ever read

News shouldn't be ironic, they should be informative, and this is the worst preconception I ever seen in such a huge informative site, like Gamespot, fine, Brazil has its troubles, but hey, we dont have a massive porn industry, and we don't live in a civil war, these are preconceptions and we don't need preconceptions in impartial sources, this is a terrible mistake, the readers have a wrong image of the content and the subject will have its image misjudged

About games being banned from countries, we should respect their cultures, even if we think they are mindless for baning games, we should see their point! Why would a game be banned? It has reasons, and Bully, as other banned games, are not even top notch, they are nothing compared to others

Gamespot, Im sorry, but you lost a lot of points, not only with me, but with many serious readers, and this is just sad, because neutral sources of information are scarce

Apollo Justice: Finished!

I just finished Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, my comments and thoughts will make clear in the upcoming review, but my rough thoughts will be made crystal clear in this post

Okaaaaay, Apollo Justice and Phoenix Wright have a bond, but, where the heck are Maya, Pearl and Iris from the previous games? What happened to them and why Nick is so lonely, except for Trucy of course? Well, thats a major disappointing to the fans, we must know where they are and what happened to them, maybe its coming in the next sequels, or maybe not, and THATS just a pain!

If you played all the former ace attorney games, you surely know that all the cases are unique and fun, Apollo Justice simply rip that off and make all the cases simple jigsaw puzzle pieces to the ultimate case in the end, ok, Phoenix Wright had that, but not that obvious, it was simply a curtain closing, not the whole game in the end

The technology, well, thats fun, they use it too much but thats what the fans wanted really, so, they gave us what we asked for.

In general the characters are not that charismatic as before, and the only ones that really are catchy are the old ones as Ema and Phoenix itself, Trucy does a good job, but Maya's absence really shades her appearance because they really look like, final statement: Go and play it! Its worth your money!

Old games, new hope

Gamers, we all had our beginning, and most of the old games are so good with such great storyline that we just can't forget them, thats why we need remakes so we can play our beloved games with next gen graphics with a familiar story and characters.

10 years ago games weren't games, they were soap operas with interactivity, you just kept playing them so you could see how it ends, the characters were a lot more charismatics and that made the player create some sort of attachment to it so if it dies in the end you'd cry, if its triumphant or better, snatches the pretty female character in the end, the player could sleep with the air of victory and satisfaction.

Most of the great games of the past are poorly succeeded, having its story weakened for the new market increasing the graphics quality in the other hand, but, graphics can't be all eh? Let's solve this question, good graphics really help a poor game, but that can't be its life saver, a strong and original storyline its essential to any game, that seems to be forgotten.

So, let's take a quick peek at one single game that have been poorly succeeded, the successor was a great game, but it didn't filled its purpose to many gamers (like me :) ) the successor was Chrono Cross, and the game *wink* Chrono Trigger.

Square Enix would earn a lot (thats what matters nowadays *sigh*) if Chrono Trigger were properly remaked, a parallel story could do, now, if the company can't make it, why stop fans from making it? Yes, we are now changing the subject for the Chrono Trigger Resurection project, now cancelled thanks to the Square Fantasy (or Final Enix?), the project was going and I have to admit, I would play it, lets check the changes shall we?

Chrono Trigger, the original, the best RPG ever, the unique, the masterpiece

Chrono Trigger Resurection, you can see in the details how accurate the graphics follow the original version, the graphics are overrated now, but it was a surprise how fans can go to make their favorite games look better following the original.

And then, we finish this article with one idea in the mind: Our favorite games, our best games ever, deserve sequels with strong and original storyline, we can't let the gamer spirit die just because we are now a good piece of the market and gaming is now commercial, I beg everyone to do not forget what we really want.

MMORPG zealot

MMORPGs are great time killers, you'll love some, and hate a few. Most of them are great, free, and graphically perfect, these qualities have spread all over the world pouring MMORPGs in each gamer pc

My vast MMORPG experience allowed me to know how they work, whats the special features in each one and how smooth it runs, I'll name one free MMORPG that catches all the essence and fun that should have in every single game: Silkroad Online

There's nothing more relevant to say about the game than: Almost perfect (we won't have another perfect game so soon since "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" vanquished everyone)

The world is not completely lost, I experienced a few good MMORPGs that everyone should try out, but unfortunately every game of that genre suffers from a great evil: Boredom, they don't focus on improvements for mid levels so we can keep going up with new improvements, so the grind comes and kills everything :(

So I strongly recommend Silkroad online (a must play, specially now that Europe expansion came up, a new variety of things to do) , World of Warcraft (unfortunately its pay to play, and thats a punch in the pocket), Rappelz Epic3 (Gravity, they did Fly for Fun, but the grind comes and kills that game too), Granado Espada and if god watch over the American continent players, I'll be able to play Cabal Online and Im sure Im going to strongly recommend that one too :P

Keep playing! Thats the magic of us, gamers, recycling (specially us pc aficionados ;) )

Now playing?

Well! This is my first blog post in here, first of all, Im Brazillian, no, we dont live in treehouses, yes we do have airplanes, cars, etc, no, theres no trees and jungle everywhere, and yes we love games even if we dont have nintendo, sony or microsoft factories in here so we can buy it cheaper!

Thats something to be discussed, not only me, but a lot of brazilians would love a few factories so we could have cheap games and consoles, damn, you guys have no idea how bad is it to buy stuff high priced because it came from another country! It surely put our gamer spirit on the spot =/

Anyways! We can always buy old games cheaper :D Ok, thats not an advantage at all, but its something! Hm, so, I've been playing Homeworld, and Knights of the Old Republic, Homeworld is pretty addictive! And difficult, thats very rare nowadays, and Kotor, I already finished it, Im saving to buy Kotor 2, see? S-a-v-i-n-g, thats gonna take a while..

Then, this is my first blog post, feel free to comment, and for those who hate the high priced stuff, just yell at me and I'll move my lazy ass to make something, not something revolutionary, but something cool ^^ How can we live in a globalized world and still have high priced consoles and games? òó Thats it, bye for now ^^