This, my friend, is the worst news I ever read
News shouldn't be ironic, they should be informative, and this is the worst preconception I ever seen in such a huge informative site, like Gamespot, fine, Brazil has its troubles, but hey, we dont have a massive porn industry, and we don't live in a civil war, these are preconceptions and we don't need preconceptions in impartial sources, this is a terrible mistake, the readers have a wrong image of the content and the subject will have its image misjudged
About games being banned from countries, we should respect their cultures, even if we think they are mindless for baning games, we should see their point! Why would a game be banned? It has reasons, and Bully, as other banned games, are not even top notch, they are nothing compared to others
Gamespot, Im sorry, but you lost a lot of points, not only with me, but with many serious readers, and this is just sad, because neutral sources of information are scarce