So yeah, I got a Playstation 3 last month. Another thing to scratch off my "To get" list.
Finished off a few games, and currently playing Fallout 3. Annoying glitches aside, I love the game so far. Playing as a good guy on the first playthough, but I plan on being evil on the next one. I never like playing a good guy in these "morality" games. Infact, Fallout is the only series where I've always played a good guy and never been bad.
I plan on getting the two Dead Space games in a while, as I've heard good things about 'em. Also need to play God of War 3, and Red Dead Redemption. If anyone has any good suggestions feel free to tell me.
Wish I could play online, but my internet connection isn't that great. Unless I manage to get a good and stable connection in the future, I don't plan on playing online. No use lagging over a 512mb connection.
Games i've finished so far:
- Uncharted 2
- Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Devil May Cry 4
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Marvel VS Capcom 3 (Technically not finished)
I couldn't get the first Uncharted game. or Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, but I finished their sequels anyway.
/End Transmission.
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