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Hyper-X Blog

PS3 Get!

So yeah, I got a Playstation 3 last month. Another thing to scratch off my "To get" list.

Finished off a few games, and currently playing Fallout 3. Annoying glitches aside, I love the game so far. Playing as a good guy on the first playthough, but I plan on being evil on the next one. I never like playing a good guy in these "morality" games. Infact, Fallout is the only series where I've always played a good guy and never been bad.

I plan on getting the two Dead Space games in a while, as I've heard good things about 'em. Also need to play God of War 3, and Red Dead Redemption. If anyone has any good suggestions feel free to tell me.

Wish I could play online, but my internet connection isn't that great. Unless I manage to get a good and stable connection in the future, I don't plan on playing online. No use lagging over a 512mb connection.

Games i've finished so far:

  • Uncharted 2
  • Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time
  • Batman Arkham Asylum
  • Devil May Cry 4
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Marvel VS Capcom 3 (Technically not finished)

I couldn't get the first Uncharted game. or Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, but I finished their sequels anyway.

/End Transmission.

Jack in, Hyper-X execute!

Greetings and salutations.

As I'm aware of one person that actually looks at my blog, I decided to add something here.

Actaully I just wanted to shamelessly exhibit all the signatures i've made ever since I became a regular on the JCU.

So let me begin:

This scarescrow one was the first signature I made in a long time. Only used it for a day. I made another version of it which I haven't used yet.

I replaced scarescrow later on with one of my favorite DBZ characters.

I'm quite happy with this one. Used it for quite a while until I started using Boba

This has to be the simplest sig i've made. The idea just came to me when Zero said something about Boba with a peace sign as a revamped Mandalorian. I believe renigade made a signature just to counter this one.

After the Hippy Mando news died down a bit. I made what I consider one of my best sigs yet.


I made two versions of this as well. The other can be seen below.

I made a Haruhi sig after that which I didn't start using until recently.

I just love the blank expression on her face. Just shows how perpetually bored I am.

I tried to make a sig that emulated an urban feel next, but I failed at it miserably.

That there is Sho Minamimoto, my favorite character from "The World Ends With You". It's a great game for the DS. I highly reccomend this game to anyone who's a fan of RPG's or Square Enix...or both. It's a bit weird at first, but it's an enjoyable experience overall. Heck, I may write a review for it if I find enough time.

Anyways the last sig I've made yet is from the Megaman Battle Network series.

I forgot what soul this was, as I haven't played the game in ages. Junk soul used to be my favorite.

These are all the sigs i've made for myself. but i've also made a couple for other members.

I forgot who I made this for but it's based on Battlefield Bad Company 2. Don't know much about the game, but it seems interesting from the pictures I've seen. Besides, the masked/goggled soldier looks awsome.

The other sig I made which I forced on someone for about an hour was Subzero.

Made this one for some raptor who doesn't like Subzero for some reason. Not the best i've made, but certainly not the worst either.

Well, this is it for this episode of my blog. Which ones, if any did you guys like, and do you have any advice for me. I'll appreciate it.

Hopefully i'll make an interesting blog next time.
