Those pics at the bottom are a dead givaway. Totally fake.nimblemiixThe first picture of Sonic gives it away. It isn't like Nintendo to reuse old art. (Which is from the 360 version no doubt...)
Hyperfludd's forum posts
Dam isn't it cOld in here? My fingers are so numb its like they're Fake.someman94Because if it's old to you, it's old to everyone.
This is the first time I've seen it.
Get Trauma Center and SSX 3 for the GC.LitchieSSX 3 was on GC? I like this idea, I would recommend SSX On Tour, I really enjoyed that game, way more than Blur, thats for sure.
I want to add a card showing what online games I have for the Wii, and possibly, the DS too.
It would be really helpful to find somthing like Mygamercard, but for wii.
Also check out my new blog and SATSR review /endshamelessplug
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