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Top 10 ways to be a d*** in video games

Lets face it some people in lives are just DI***! And im sorry to say it but sometimes im one too but once you think about it are'nt we all? Some people may find this list has some pointers some people may find it to be a warning either way enjoy the list!


Using the ghost (Halo 3)

It was tough to choose between the ghost and the banshee but what i get the most angry at are the freaking ghost users! Its so cheap you just shoot people run them over and get laughably easy kills. Its just not right!


flirting (Playstation Home)

Something that even i like to do sadly is flirting in home. Making a hideous character and flirting with the poor unsespecting people of Home. Its hilarious but its so messed up :/


Constantly using the same move (Super smash bros series)

Sigh this is one i dont even do. Overusing the same move again and again and AGAIN is sure to make people frustrated especially if using a cheap character like Pit and his stupid HIYAYAYA move!


Uber teams (Pokemon series)

For all you non-nerds out there who dont know what ubers are in pokemon they are pretty much all legendaries. Having 2 is more than enough to be cheap but a team full of them? Happens all the time sadly and in pokemon battle revolution its total madness with a team full of mewtwos giratinas and rayquazas. Yeah im a nerd for putting this on the list but it really is frustrating!


Teabagging (Any game with crouching)

Aww this is a fun one! Teabagging can only be done if you are playing a game where your character can squat down and if you can it will look like you are humping the enemy (Or you team mate XD) Its one of the BIGGEST things to do in halo 3 that will have xbox lives silly community hunt you down.


Destroying your friends pod (Littlebigplanet)

Its funny its enjoyable...Its sure to get you kicked. Alot of people may not agree with this but i have lost too many friends on psn to not put this on the list :(


Kicking (Left 4 dead)

Ok im pretty young (14) And still sound young and there have been lots of sad and hurtful instances where i got kicked for my voice >:( Its one of few things on the list that annoys even me.


Betrayal (Any game with the option)

Im such a di** to people on halo 3 with this one XD betrayal is pretty much my middle name one day i did it got a hilarious reaction and could not stop since. Its pretty fun to do but be warned you will make people turn beat red and want to beat the living sh** out of you.


Chainsawing (Gears of war 1 and 2)

Omg the bane of gears of war is the chainsaw. I have been chainsawed MANY times in my time of owning gears of war 1 and 2 and its so frustrating to the point i turn off my xbox right after sending a foul message to the creep who did it to me.

................ Its time the biggest way to be a di** in video games is.....!

Stealing stars (Mario party series)

...Stealing coins? Thats fine its not that big of a deal but stealing precious stars? You are truly not a trustworthy person. I have many great memories of the n64 mario party games but i also remember the torture my OWN brother and sister put me through by forming an alliance and stealing every star i have everytime they get the chance. It was disgusting.

Ok thats my list but before i go here are some honerable mentions


Using oddjob (Goldeneye)


Picking expert when you cant play it (Rock band 1 and 2)


Deleting your friend/family members save file (Any game)


Lagswitching (Any game with the option)


Using the blue shell (Mario kart series)

Uncharted 2 demo... Omg

I cant believe how good the uncharted 2 demo is. This is already shaping up to easily take littlebigplanets spot as my favorite ps3 exclusive. The deathmatch is fabulous and the co-op mode is simply amazing. I cant wait to get the actual game to play this full masterpiece for myself. Dont have the demo? Go download it... NOW.