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What is toast?

Toast is when you take a piece of bread - What is bread? Bread is when you take some flour - What is flour? We'll skip that part, it's too complicated. Bread is something you can eat, made from a ground up plant and shaped like a stone. You cook it... Please, why do you cook it? Why don't you just eat the plant? Never mind that part - Pay attention. You cook it, and then you cut it into slices, and you put a slice into a toaster, which is a metal box that heats up with electricity - What is electricity? Don't worry about that. While the slice is in the toaster, you get out the butter. Butter is a yellow grease, made from the mammary glands of - skip the butter. So, the toaster turns the slice of bread black on both sides with smoke coming out and then this "toaster" shoots the slice up into the air, and it falls onto the floor...

Forget it. Let's try again.

Toast was a pointless invention from the Dark Ages. Toast was an implement of torture that caused all those subjected to it to regurgitate in verbal form the sins and crimes of their past lives. Toast was a ritual item devoured by fetishists in the belief that it would enhance their kinetic and sexual powers. Toast cannot be explained by any rational means.

Toast is me.

I am toast.

Developers seem to be getting worried about the wrong things lately

Okay, I'll admit I haven't done a blog in quite some time, but I guess I've finally have something to rant about.

I've been hearing these stories recently regarding the still current lack of third party support for Nintendo's home console. Yes, the common theory, especially among sheep, is that its high sales and demand will sway developers in its favour, as a larger fanbase would contribute to more sales. However, as many others would point out, the fact that many people purchase Nintendo consoles to play its first party titles is a crippling factor to third party developers. One such developer (supposedly, it was not a credible source), made a statement saying that when developing for a Nintendo console, your biggest competitor is Nintendo itself.

No one wants to buy the Wii's third party titles? The biggest selling factor game-wise is its first party?

How are any of us surprised with the kind of third party games the console has been getting?

It's what everybody complains about when they state their reasons why the console doesn't interest them - the Wii is receiving a large amount of shallow, gimmick games. Sure, the system has good titles, but they are vastly overshadowed by the collection of junk its has stowed in its library. How many of these are first party games? Why is it that Nintendo, with games like Zelda, Metroid, Super Smash, and Galaxy, sell (or probably will sell) more than the others? The answer should be plainly obvious.

So why are these developers blaming this on the big N? Is it Nintendo's fault that no one is interested in their game? Is it the quality of Nintendo's titles the sole reason why these third parties are dishing out budget titles, ports, marketing schemes and rehashes? I guess the Ninty console line is cursed - the people just don't like third party games. Games like Goldeneye were completely ignored by owners because it wasn't a Nintendo title. Same with Gamecube titles like Resident Evil 4. :roll:

I don't think developers should blame other games to account for poor sales due to poor quality. People don't like bad games...they like good games - it's not a hard concept. What Wii owners need now is some good 3rd party games, and not many have shown to be promising. Although I have faith that the quality will improve, devs need to take a different attitude towards the situation, and reap the rewards of the Wii's growing fanbase.

Lvl 21!


Finally out of that miserable hellhole that was level 20. I believe I was stuck there for about four to five months.

Now I can rest easy as the final week of my wait for the Wii commences. I can see it all coming together now...

I suppose even voice actors can have their mysterious side.

I wouldn't call myself an anime fanatic. As much as I admire it as a beautiful artform, it's not so much of a hobby.
Naruto, as I understand it, is one of the most popular animes out there at the moment. Due to a slight curiosity surge, or more likely a caffeinated beverage induced spike, I (somewhat reluctantly) looked into it.

I managed to sumble upon something odd. There is a minor villain that appears in the series that goes by the name of Gato. I managed to crack a smile when I saw what he looked like:

Look familar?
If you dont see it, try to picture his hair a deep purple, take away the mustache, and make his specs slightly more bright red. You should see it.

I was quite humoured at the resemblance, but what really struck me was this:
In the video game Naruto: Ultimate Ninja, the character Gato is voiced by none other than the great Daran Norris, the same brilliant actor that voiced Rodyle in Tales of Symphonia.
I tried to piece this together...if it is one, it is one hell of a coincidence. Oh, Daran, can't escape the look now, can we? :wink:

I'd love to see a video clip of him talking. Mr. Norris' voice worth murdering for. It's always a privilage to hear him speak, especially when they're rather crude remarks, which he does quite well playing Spottswoode in Team America: World Police.

I have absolutley no idea what I did to deserve this...

Two days ago, I was level 15, around 98% of the way to 16. When I logged on the next day, I was level 16, as expected, but suprisingly my percent was in the 30s.
I was a little suprised; that was quite a boost. When I checked my posting history, I noticed that a thread I created got over 170 replies. I thought this was the reason for the boost, so I went along my way.
Today, however, kind of shocked me. I logged on to see that I was now level 17, with 2%. That means I got almost a 70% boost in one day.
What did I do?! I must've looked around for a few minutes, made a few posts, and left. I must've only been here for half an hour, and for some reason I get launched all the way to level 17 in one day?
I'm interested to see how things unfold for tomorrow.

My expectations have been exceeded.

I have always enjoyed gaming with my friends; it used to be somewhat of a social activity. N64 was the way to go for all of us, and this was back in elementary school. Hideout Helm in Donkey Kong 64 was, quite literally, a major event, and whenever someone got that far, they would actually throw a party just for everyone to watch and help out with their individual strengths.

I cannot express how much I miss those days. When the next generation of consoles were released, I thought everyone would get a Gamecube to further enjoy Nintendo's first-party titles, but suprisingly, a very small portion of them got one, and most of them didn't even get a new console. Despite how much I told them how great the games were, it never really sparked any interest in them. I was left alone with my little purple box that no one else wanted to play besides my brother, whom I usually enjoy my experiences with (don't get me wrong, I had a ball).

Back when the Wii was codenamed "Revolution", I naturally got excited. I didn't break out the news just yet, since I knew that there was something "revolutionary" about the controller. When it was finally revealed at TGS 2005, I was ecstatic. My friends, unfortunately, didn't see this. They didn't believe something like that could be fun, and I was once again one of the only guys out of my click that was interested. The name change to "Wii" didn't help, either.

This has all changed dramatically. After E3 2006, I let my friends know of the announcements made and gave them some links to videos, screens, demonstrations, etc. All of them (and I mean ALL of them), flipped. Out of nowhere, they all immediately wanted one, dispersing their cravings for an Xbox 360 and a Playstation 3. One of them distinctly said "I no longer care about graphics. This looks fun as hell." Today, one of my chums approached me (a dedicated PC gamer), and asked me if I saw the trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I nodded with a grin, and he began talking of how sweet it was. He too, is itching to get his hands on this thing.

Even people I didn't even know enjoyed games are talking about it. I overheard a group of guys in the change room talking about games like Red Steel and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. One of them even mentioned the Wii Sports demonstration at Nintendo's press conference.

This is way more than I originally anticipated. I only thought Nintendo would gain a slight lead because of their left-wing decision, but this is really firing up some sparks amongst the casual crowd. I cannot express my overwhelming excitement to finally enjoy the same games as everyone else, and in an entirely new way as well. This console is going to be great; I can assure you.

I'm bloody back.

After an arguable ToS violation, I've returned from my vacation. Although I didn't bluntly state it in my message, I didn't know that the word "moron" was considered a direct insult, even if it was used in the middle of a sentence to add emphasis. I can complain all I want, but it doesn't matter, now that I can post again. I'll be careful in my choice of words next time.

I posted the message on February the 28th, and I got the notification the next day. For some reason, the date of that notification was somehow shifted over to the 3rd of March, inadvertedly extending my suspension from five days to seven. I'm glad my prolonged restriction from the forums has been lifted.

I am now free to bestow my wrath upon the ignorant once more! Muahaaahahahaha!
