I see most everyone's comments on how bad this game is and that people buy it just because the Star Wars name. Well I spent $40 on this game and have played it for almost 24 hours and don't have all the unlocks. I spent around $20 to go see the new movie and felt like I was at the dentist for almost 3 hours watching a bad remake of episode IV. So who are the sheep?
@batts86: Kylo Ren's character is a puss whether or not he would have bested her or not. He looks like a gothic nerd who lives in his moms basement. He cried for Gods sake. Han Solo deserved a much better death as well. Overall story was as shallow as a mud puddle. Revenge of the Sith was much better. Way better villains, story, and light saber battles. Still searching for the good in The Force Awakens and keep coming up empty. We just disagree
@Psil0X: the reviewers wanted it to be good so much that I believe they had the Star Wars aura pulled around their eyes. If George Lucas made this exact same movie then people would think it sucked. The movie had so many flaws, a rehashed story, and a pathetic looking and incredibly weak villain. Solo went down in very undramatic way. I can't believe the marketing of Disney has convinced the storm trooper public that this is a good sequel to Star Wars. I guess because most of the public are weak minded like a storm trooper
@batts86: I would say you lose credibility if you think that the force awakens is better than the revenge of the siith. I don't care what the reviews say. I'm not a sheep that likes something because I'm told to. I have been watching Star Wars b4 you were a thought in your dads sperm. No taste...that's funny because I take it your a millennial who actually thinks Kylo Ren is actually tough. Biggest damn pussy villain to ever grace a Star Wars film. He actually was losing at the end to someone that discovered she had force powers an hour earlier. He also looked like the nerd from the movie Grndmas Boy. The story had no thought whatsoever. I would say you my friend are a storm trooper who can't form their own opinion. You will like the force awakens because reviews and Disney said so....
Well let's hope VIII has a good script because anyone that's ever seen episode IV could have written VII's script. Absolutely awful for a Star Wars miovie. Can't believe everyone likes the Force Awakens. Abrams and Disney are strong w the force though because they have brainwashed everyone into thinking they made a good movie. Worst in the series and by FAR the most pathetic pansy villain. I was shockingly disappointed and I love the Star Wars saga.
@Mastermatta: I totally agree with your assessment of The Force Awakens. It felt like a soulless/ hollow remake of episode IV. Nothing really wrong but never cared about any of the characters either. The weakest villain ever in a Star Wars. Kylo definitely should have never taken off his mask. 1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Return of the Jedi 3. Revenge of the Sith 4. A New Hope 5. Attack of the Clones 6. Phantom Menace. 7. Force Awakens
Either the workers at gamespot don't like playing video games or they get a kick out of having the lowest score on metacritic. Final Fantasy Lightning Returns is the same. I have not played either game but it seems to me that it is hard to go by gamespot's reviews anymore. This game has 37 others giving it really high scores. I am all for being a good critic and not just throwing out high scores but it makes me wonder if gamespot gives their employees genres that they don't even like to do the review.
IBLEEDBLUE33's comments