When my dad came onto the room with a brand new xbox and a blockbuster bag I was totally excited. I own 2 xbox's so me and my Dad can play at the same time without anyarguments! But my personal box broke. NOT HAPPY!
He placed the bag on the table and I looked inside almost instantly.
I was pretty happy and took my new xbox and game upstairs without even asking if it was mine or not. Set it up, placed the disc into the tray and it loaded up.
Multiplayer - Warzone - Find Players...
The game starts then BOOOOOOOOOM
Some n00b just pwned me.
And again,
And agian,
And again...
Something was not going to plan. The lancer was somewhat weaker, no more active sniper downs, the shotgun now sucks ass and you can chainsaw people like no tomorow. This game used to take skill. Now its turned into a n00b heaven. Just like Halo 3. I couldnt belive what was happening. Then I realised. Halo 1, IMENSE, Halo 2, Hmm.. And Halo 3 with the new matchmaking... BIG LET DOWN.
See a pattern here? Maybe Gears is falling down that same spiralling path.
In fact i no it is.
Well done Epic on your EPIC FAIL.
(Campaign still rocks)
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