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Crushed Dreams, Wasted Money And Revolution Out On A Recon

Well, now that the Xbox 360 has launched very much alike almost the last five launches meaning un-impressive games, drought and unsatified game Genres. I am able 2 say that the 360 iznt as i'd hoped it 2 be at my first thought. Though it iz very impressive alot of games arent, perfect iz and has always been impressive, 360 never change the way the game iz. Fact of the matter it coulda looked the same on the XBOX which makes me wonder did they jes port it and upgrade? the 360 still has very much promises in store as the Sony PS3 announced that it will have a DVD burner built-in and that it will be launching in japan 1st. Sony iz carfully watching Microsoft screw up again and try 2 hit shelves before christmas causing much panic and very much pist off customers. as the light dimmers and flickers on an off for microsoft Sony takes advantage of this. they now are currently devoloping over 200 titles before its consoles debut, now, how ever many of the 200 actaully land in US and The Launch iz a different question. But as Sony Iz Learning from iz own mistakes and watchin what now 2 do while microsoft iz doing it Nintendo has yet again left a plot ending, saying that the REV controller has Another secret? well now that Nintendo is being mocked by the very essence it created it'd be wise for nintendo 2 shoot soon and shoot silently. Knowing Smash Bros iz gonna be a Launch Title i can only imagine what type of secret, or gameplay it will provide me. And the DS now pursuing its deal with Mc'Donalds has set its Wif-Fi up but no signs of the USB it promised 2 home gamers? The PSP still lag'n behind in popularity but winning in graphics still hasnt had iz debut title that'll change history forever, now what happened 2 FF7:Advent Children? Whats going on with the Halo Movie? and where iz my Zelda! an Monser Hunter PSP! I wish All Gamers The Best, My Opinion iz my opinion, u can take it or hate do whatever you please 2 try an insult me i stand for what i can see and for what i know i dont takes side on any subject b/c gaming iz my hobbie not my life im not going to say he iz better then she or what-so-ever b/c the fact iz each one has there specail titles -IChangedMyName