I am definately dependant on a computer to do schoolwork (high school if anyone's wondering) and was wondering how often others are allowed to use them attheir schools. Our class pretty much uses them for any assignment that's over one paragraph long. Is this just a small town thing? Oh and has spellcheck totally screwed you over too? I can't spell anything on paper anymore...
Mine was quite hilarious. You know right at the start where he asks you to turn on the signal lights so he can see if everything is working properly? Well my mind blanked on how to turn the signals on and ended turning on the wndshield wipers...
The funniest thing is that he didn't see that, and I had no other problems during the rest of the test and got my license.
Ummmm, I don't think that smaller classes get more done. Today we spent 3 classes watching music videos and discussing the relationships in them. Dallas chose to show a 6 min Led Zepplin vid which mostly involved the lead singer screaming in the mic. But that's just today. On Friday we wached Men of Honor because our teacher was so sick of our complaining and just wanted a quiet period, although we do have to do a three paragraph write up.
okay, so I live in a small town (8 ppl in my grade and about 20 in my class, an 11/12 split) and we're constanly hearing from substitutes that our class is horrible. Yeah we chat abit and if you get us off topic a bit of choas erupts, but isn't everyone's class like that? Or are you expected to sit silently?
Oh and my other question was how much homework did you get? I'm mad when I get one assignment per week.
Patapon. I just couldn't deal with those controls. So it falls under the nusance category I guess. In the hard but good category I'd have to say Disgaea, I loved that gam and would be replaying right now if my screen wasn't cracked.
I loved the super cute graphics, but the gameplay and audio made me want to shove pencils through my wall. I would advise you to buy te first before the second because it'll be cheaper, and you can see if you like it.
I hated Wakka. He said "ya know" around 400 times in the game (slight exaggeration, but still). Tidus, I didn't really like, but he's definately not emo. Whining doesn't define emo, being all silent and hating the world does. That said, I still heart Cloud.
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