ILIKECROWS's forum posts
Well MW 3 will probably be fun, but if you have played the past CoD's, MW 3 could be stale to you.. Battlefield 3 looks fresh and a new to me. It looks like a lot of detail and work went into the game.. So I decided to buy Battlefield 3.Warablo13personally, everyoneelse saying bf3 is unique, mw3 and bf3 start underwater, you see new york city under attack, then you see lady liberty in the distance to remind you whats at stake. so, it iwll be hard ot choose, ive prefered battlefield games more, as you can use vehichles, no vehichles except for a few times in the campiagn.
Halo reach. but i sold it quick i got tired of armor lock.
That sucks dude, they took armor lock out of most of the playlists now. It's much more gun on gun and they added 5 vs 5slayer with no armor lock, just like Halo 3. You should pick it up again.
o really? Thats good to hear i might just go pick that up today. i feel you man about the armour lock. just got live 4 days ago and yesterday witnessed the armor lock, pisses me off. lol, people always use it constantly.\
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