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Guitar Hero: World Tour Wii - Review

Hey seeing as i cant do Community Reviews i ges i'll have to do it on a blog so here we go.

Guitar Hero: World Tour (or GH4) for the Wii has got to be THE best game i have so far for it. It a good game and fun and you dont even have to know how to play the insterument. The song list has very well picked songs and then some f*cked up songs that shouldnt be on there rite.

I really like the Music Studio where you can make your own songs using GHMIX rite but its a bit sh*t seeing as you can only make 91 second of music PLUS, get ready for this have a choice of Drums, Bass, Keyboard, Rythem and ofcourse Lead BUT on lead from what i no (i could be wrong) you can only use 1 colour button at a time except for orange and blue so that pretty sh*t but anyways.

Anothing thing thats good rite is the Rockstar Creator where you can make your own character for the game. You can make them fat, skinny, tall, short and the clothing, hair, face. You can also creat your own insterument look and stuff so thats good.

The online mode is fun except if you playing a Band Quickplay game you can only have 1 guitarist even when theres rythem somone has to be bass. They have this roulete thing rite to see who picks the song rite.. theres not much point for it wen if ur playing 2 or 3 player (thats all ive played) it goes in order so yeh.

I probably haven't gone through everything yet but frankly i dont give a f*ck so heres my rating. Im giving it a 9.0 because they could have dont a bit better with the animation and some of the poor song choices and some other stuff.


Me And Games

Hi im here to tell u what type of games i like and stuff ok? Ok here we go..... i Like most games but i just cant stand Final Fantasy Games there just sooo SH*T to me i dont get wats so good about it. I like pokemon tho its like my favorite game series for ds and gamboy etc. you see i like some war games and i like racing games like NFS and some others but yeh. GH4 is the best game on the wii that i have soooooo YEH thats about it for games.

I just moved to a different town you see BUT i can tell you about my old school you see me and my friend were friends with this other dude rite, yeh so this other dude rite he was really into games like FF and i dont like but we usualy dont talk about games much but weneva he got the chance.....BAM!!!! just like that he was all over us like retarded dog saying stuff like "I cant wait till i get this game" so on so fourth. and the OTHER thing rite he was always talking about saving up for stuf like a PS3, A Bike, A laptop, A game etc. now im not saying hes a looser or atleast a COMPLETE looser really but yeh that was in the past now.

So if your like me or sumwat like me as in u love GH4 and racing games, some war games and hate final fantasy then become my friend today and say "hey im your friend because Obama said".