Hopefully this is the forum to ask for help. Don't want too much help here, just enough for me to go, "Oh yeah, stupid!" and then get on gaming with minimum spoil. Dig? So I'm playing Metroid Other M and have been running around Sector 1 for what seems like an eternity and I can't get anywhere. Argh! I renlent and am now asking for help. Help please! I'm obviously missing something.
If this helps, I'm at the room right after a save portal room. This portal room conatins a door you blow open with a super bomb which if you go that way, leads down a corridor flanked by evil dinosaur baddies which you can't shoot. Anyway, in this next room there's a door in the upper left corner, that appears after I turn off the environmental illusion controls. This door can only be open with a super missle. I ain't gots super missle capability, do I? My controller doesn't seem to think so. In fact, I've run into several doors I can't open without the super missles. How do I get super missle capability?! If I missed it, I can only backtrack so far because I can't get back up the "slippery" downgrades so I'm running in circles. I see some glowing blue dots on my map screen indicating items, but damn if I can find them even when I'm right on top of the dots!
Did I miss the super missle upgrade, did I miss a room I should be in, am I a douche? Help! Thanks.
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