hrm....The PS2 is probably my favorite system of all time, but this is still a toughie for me. This isn't a very accurate order, either. 1.) Okami 2.) God of war 2 3.) Xenosaga 4.)Ico 5.) Beyond Good and Evil 6.) Persona 4 7.) Silent Hill 3 8.) God Of War 9.) GrimGrimoire 10.) Odin Sphere 11.) Fatal Frame II 12.) Psychonauts 13.) Tomb Raider: Anniversary 14.) Half Life 15.) Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time 16.) fatal Frame 17.) Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy 18.) Killer 7 19.) Silent hill 2 20.) Haunting Ground 21.) Jak 2 22.) Resident Evil 4 That's probably all I can get without naming mediocre things to fill out the list.
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