Many gamers have the dream of working with the items they like for their first job. I did for time. I mean; 'what's not to like about it'—you might say? You get discounts; you get the heads-up when the new games come in, you get to meet people who share your interests, and more often than not, you get a VIP chance to reserve a system or game for yourself.
But that's what they- WANT you to think!
About half a year ago, I joined a certain electronics store as a video game clerk. I worked at the desk and helped many people with their systems. For a time, it was good. I got to assist people with making decisions, sell a bunch of counsels and games (often knowing first hand what they were like) and they seemed quite happy. But that's the "good" part of the job. Here is chapter one of my experiences working there.
"Face to Face"
CASE 1: "The Nice and Friendly Costumer"
"Hi, I have two little kids who often fight in the car, and I was thinking of getting a portable gaming device or two so they can behave."
"Well certainly; how old are your kids?"
"They're five and seven."
"Well, then you might consider the Nintendo DS. Unlike its counterpart, the PSP—it has more children friendly games, like Mario Party and Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass."
"Now, what's the PSP?"
"The, PSP—PlayStation Portable is more a media system that a gaming counsel. You can save MP3s and even watch movies on it, providing you've purchased a memory card—but most of the games are generally developed for a more mature audience—also, the movies you can purchase are extremely limited, and you'd need software in order to upload your own movies."
"I see… So, the games you mentioned for the DS are kid approved? Are they the only ones?"
"Oh, no! Not at all; we have a whole selection just behind this wall."
"Oh my; thank you so much for your help."
"It was my pleasure, Mam."
REVIEW: The perfect costumer, who's eager to learn, wants to understand what her kids will play, yada, yada, yada. In other words, a product of the most responsible, polite and wonderful group of people EVER to walk the Earth.
CASE 2: - The Jack-@ss
"Hey you!"
"Hi there, do you need something sir?"
"I was wondering if there was anyone besides YOU who can help me get a PlayStation3."
"… … I beg your pardon?"
"Just bring someone over here, already, lady!"
"I can assure you, sir, I am very knowledgeable about tat particula subject and system, and if you're worried about time—"
"Just shut up and me bring me another associate d*mmit! And make sure he's quick, I got a schedule here!"
REVIEW: And here we have a sexist scumbag who doesn't even bother to hear anything out of my mouth. (I must confess, I wanted to jump over the check-out and slam my fist in the corner of his jaw—but money is much more important than my ego… (as pathetic as that is, it's true)
CASE 3: - The "one with "no" life whatsoever."
"Uhm… excuse me, why are you hiding under my desk?"
"I'm hiding from the Grelkin tribe of Teldressil! They're still after me and my legendary staff!"
"… … Yah-huh. Well… why don't you just hide somewhere else, I need this spot for my work?"
"Impossible, they've surrounding me! I got to heal my mana first, then I will go out in a legendary battle for the Alliance of Asaroth!"
"… …If you're waiting for Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard hasn't even announced its release date yet. Now if you'll please let me through—"
"This won't be over! You'll suffer my vengeance! When I come back! I'll be the mightiest Night Elf Druid in the history of the—"
"—Code 10, code 10—need manager or supervisor over here NOW!"
REVIEW: (pretty self-explanatory, I recon)