I finally got a current-gen system. After getting used to my only new games being Guitar Hero and Rock Band on PS2, I finally saved up for a new system (it was easy because I got a summer job and it only took about 3 and half weeks to save up). I was going to get a PS3 but it was a hundred dollars more than the 20gb 360 and the only PS3 exclusive was Tekken 6. I traded in a lot of my PS2, GC,and DS games (about 15-20) for about $120 and I had to pay the other $260 for the 20gb 360, GTA IV, and the taxes. BTW I haven't been paying attention to the 360 exclusives so can someone list the non-FPS/TPS games exclusive to 360 (I hate FPS games, and I don't really like third-person shooters either, although Gears of War wasn't too bad).
I_AM_AROD______ Blog
I am so getting a f***in' PS3
by I_AM_AROD______ on Comments
Gamestop is good afterall....
by I_AM_AROD______ on Comments
So I finally went to a city with a Gamestop. I took all my PSP games (which I don't have a PSP to play on anymore) some PS2 games (about half were ones that my friends left at my house like over a year ago and others are ones that I have hated since I first played them and a few were scratched, from my friends not me). Right before I left I checked my e-mail and found a Gamestop newsletter with a coupon to get an extra 30% trade-in credit (how perfect I thought).I went thereand the (total of about 15) games and the coupongame me$68 and some oddcents. The guy asked me if I wanted to put the money towards Halo 3, which I thought was funny because from the info I had to give him he knew I wasn't over 17, but that's a whole nother topic. Anyways, I looked around and found Guitar Hero II for only $70, once again "how perfect" Ithought. [If you haven't read my other blogs or anything you wouldn't know that I have played the Guitar games, loved them, never owned them, and pre-ordered the Guitar Hero III bundle]. Well, I used the Gamestop store credit on the Guitar Hero II bundle (there was nothing else I wanted besides a few used games and I would rather buy them new for like $2 more at a later time), since I used store credit they paid the tax (I didn't know they did that) and I only had to pay a little over a dollar. So that was awesome, and when I got home I logged on to Amazon.com and I canceled my GH3 bundle pre-order. Then I ordered GH3 (game-only) and with the $40 dollars off (from ordering game only as apposed to game + guitar) I pre-ordered Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 also.
So, I traded in those dust collectors for GH2 + guitar, because I got the GH2 guitar I won't have to get the GH3 Guitar with GH3, with the money I saved from not getting GH3 guitar I get to get another game I really want.
Now, with any extra money I get, I can buy some of those older games I haven't bought yet as apposed to saving for DBZ:BT or GH2.
I'm laughing with joy. :lol:
Once again....
by I_AM_AROD______ on Comments
Once again I have debated myself into taking full advantage of my current consoles (PS2, GC, and DS) before moving on to next gen. There is such a great library for all 3 of those systems, but I have hardly experienced them (I only have 6 GC games, 5 DS games, and around 15 PS2 games that I have hardly touched but most of those PS2 games came from friends that left them at my house LOL). Anyways, I still pretty much agree with my previous blog, except I think for this gen I will just get the Wii (after I finish taking advantage of GameCube, of course) and just get PS4 or Xbox 1080 (or whatever the hell they will call it) on launch day.
Well, watcha think?
BTW please take a look at my game lists, they took a while to complete (not really). lol
Oh, one good thing is it's my B-day thursday and my mom said she will pay for $50 of my Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for PS2 (that's one of the games I was talking about, I also plan on getting the other GH games for PS2 because I've played them at my friend's house and I love them). Also we are going to go to Colorado Springs and I'll finally be able to go to a Gamespot or Hastings (I live in one of those tiny towns way up in the mountain valleys where all there is is a bunch of tourist shops and the worlds tiniest walmart, no lie) and trade in all those damn PSP games that the buyer of my PSP buyer didn't want. I might trade in some of my PS2 games too, because ,as I mentioned before, most of them are games I don't even want that my friends left at my house.
-That was my blog
Definitely Xbox 360...I think.
by I_AM_AROD______ on Comments
One of the biggest (game-related) debates is which next-gen (or should I say current gen) systems to get. Well I have narrowed it down to the either the Microsoft Xbox360 or Nintendo's Wii. I have definitely considered PS3 because I would love to play Tekken 6 , but other than that 360 is just as good (for my wants and needs) and is $150 cheaper; the Wii is an a whole different category (it's in a league of it's own).
So I've come to this conclusion about whether I should get the 360 or Wii first: The 360 will only be fun until Microsoft and Sony make better systems, the Wii (with it's new inventive way to play and it's....uhh..how do I explain it, it's like Chicken Soup for the gamer soul) will be fun for a very long time. Therefore, I should get the 360, enjoy some of the best graphics this gen (and some very promising games like Bioshock, GTA IV, Soul Calibur IV, and Guitar Hero III) and then later get the Wii and have some family fun with silly games like Wii Sports and the Mario games (and some of those epic games like Metroid Prime 3 and whatever comes out next in the Zelda series).
Well, what do you think?
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