Once again I have debated myself into taking full advantage of my current consoles (PS2, GC, and DS) before moving on to next gen. There is such a great library for all 3 of those systems, but I have hardly experienced them (I only have 6 GC games, 5 DS games, and around 15 PS2 games that I have hardly touched but most of those PS2 games came from friends that left them at my house LOL). Anyways, I still pretty much agree with my previous blog, except I think for this gen I will just get the Wii (after I finish taking advantage of GameCube, of course) and just get PS4 or Xbox 1080 (or whatever the hell they will call it) on launch day.
Well, watcha think?
BTW please take a look at my game lists, they took a while to complete (not really). lol
Oh, one good thing is it's my B-day thursday and my mom said she will pay for $50 of my Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for PS2 (that's one of the games I was talking about, I also plan on getting the other GH games for PS2 because I've played them at my friend's house and I love them). Also we are going to go to Colorado Springs and I'll finally be able to go to a Gamespot or Hastings (I live in one of those tiny towns way up in the mountain valleys where all there is is a bunch of tourist shops and the worlds tiniest walmart, no lie) and trade in all those damn PSP games that the buyer of my PSP buyer didn't want. I might trade in some of my PS2 games too, because ,as I mentioned before, most of them are games I don't even want that my friends left at my house.
-That was my blog