Greetings, I would just like to know which phone is suitable for the needs of a programmer or game developer?
I_Am_Dominic's forum posts
I would say at this moment in time, because my friends live a 5 stone throws away, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 or FIFA - never gets boring.
Not having friends, funny enough, I would choose a role-playing game: Fallout: New Vegas; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition) with exception to GTA or the latter...
@Saturos3091: I like doing that with my guitar - irritate others with my dancing fingers playing almost till the opening of the guitar back to the first fret... But honeslty I make more music than noise.
I certainely can relate when it comes to the "being immersed in the atmosphere" part.
I guess it also depends on which friends you decide to play with... Some might watch you play as if watching a movie; and thus are they really there then?
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