I_Got_Herpes' forum posts
This is system wars, not company wars. Ninja-Hippo
Tell that to the Cows when they have threads like "Sony will[Blank] dominate in 2009"...
Why not? MS owns the Game for Windows online platform (which you can only play Crysis BTW!)Microsoft owns the Xbox Brand,So yes lems can use Crysis as AMMO when they talk about who has the better graphics and shove it in Cows faces when they flash a killzone 2 picture
Actually you don't need to use GFW to play Crysis at all. Using GFW to play it is equivalent to launching it with Steam or Xfire. So basically... yeah you don't have a point.Actually you do i'm a veteran PC gamer, been playing since the late 90's i was trying to play crysis on steam i didn't work,So idc what you are on about sir.
Well I did play STALKER on a TV once and it was a Sony TV which is the same brand as the PS3 which must mean its part of the PS3 brand :o No wait, thats just ridiculous.Skittles_McGee
Was there a SONY logo at the Start of the game?...No didn't think so..Crysis does,You can see the MS logo at the start..I should know since i have it
Why not? MS owns the Game for Windows online platform (which you can only play Crysis BTW!)Microsoft owns the Xbox Brand,So yes lems can use Crysis as AMMO when they talk about who has the better graphics and shove it in Cows faces when they flash a killzone 2 picture
Well i was Web-surfing this garbage site and wanted some info on Crysis,then i noticed Crysis was made for games for windows...Does that make it MS ONLY game? i think so,MS owns the game for windows platform which is The Same like xbox live for the Xbox360, Microsoft owns the Xbox brand..
So When it comes down to it Crysis is part of the Xbox brand and part of the lemming brotherhood..We lems should use crysis and Ammo when Cows throw killzone 2 in our faces...Who's with me?
[QUOTE="Master-Thief-09"][QUOTE="EndorphinMaster"]Wasn't GTA IV also announced for PS3? Then MS got it, remember the tattoo, the TATTOO! Yes, even Gamepro said it was going to be a PS3 exclusive.DMC4 was first announced as PS3 exclusive :|
lol gamepro,Don't you mean SonyPro?O_o
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