I don't care about consoles because they're...
Cheap watered restricted down PC's, no not really
PC has the best graphics- ok thanks for pointing that out but the majority of people have computers that are as powerful as ps3 and 360 or less
PC has free online- ok ps3 online is free and xbl 50 dollars a year isnt so bad
PC has mods- who cares?only game that made modding worth it was wc3
PC has free maps-no not really
PC already has digital distrubtion for games-imo id rather have a hard copy of the game
PC's are upgradable- no one cares people rather have a console that they know will play the game without having to worry about upgrading
PC's have the most AAA's than all console combined since their launch- ya aaa's that dont deserve it
PC has higher player count- doesnt matter there is enough players on each console to play with online
PC's can actually do HD while consoles struggle doing HD with more than 30 fps- ya ok.. only like 3 games have this problem.
PC has mouse and keyboard which owns- no... imho controllers are better for every game accept for mmo's
PC has the option to input any 360 accessory leaving no need to have a 360- last time i checked u need a 360 for the acessorys to acutally be useful?
PC has games like Crysis Warhead, Spore, and Empire Total War coming out-mgs4,wii is getting spore, gta 4, halo 3, geow 2, fable 2,ff13, killzone 2, resistance 2,ssbb, star wars force unleashed and alot more
PC has the best community and its not filled with ignorant fools and little kids as seen on XBL-i havent ran into 1 ignornat little kid on live in the past 6 months
Console Gaming can die for all I care, it blows!!!
u fail
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