Hey guys - small problem here. My computer was working fine with with 2 gigs of ram, but when I bought another, identicle stick and tried to run it dual stream, I get an error saying that Windows failed to start up. I checked out all the hardware compatabilities and it shouldn't be a problem: my OS and motherboard both support the type of ram and the amount of it. The BIOS recognizes the added ram, and the only problem seems to be the computer actually starting up with the addition. It seems to be struggling a lot before before it crashes, so it might be my cheap-arse power supply, but I want to know of any possible alternatives before I go and spend money on a whim. I would really appreciate some help, thanks guys!
I_will_eat_you's forum posts
I'm bros with my alternate account. He's my one true friend.aaaaarrrrgggggI love you too, man! :cry: *eats you*
I don't have an 8800 - will I be able to read this thread? ;)Avenger1324
Sure, the fewer number of people who have them, the more my cause is proven.
I want to see something here. It seems as all the people who are asking "can my pc play this game" questions, oddly enough have Geforce 8800 video cards. In fact, i rarely see anyone on this entire forum who doesn't have one. So i want to check, is it true that everyone who posts herehas an 8800, or are the people who post their outragious specs just gloating? Also, i often just see people randomly throwing those specs around for no reason. In a thread that has nothing to do with them, they'll just post that they have an 8800 GTS, 8 gigs of ram and a q6600 processor for no reason. I will admit that i did do the same thing when i was 13, but i'm not so much of an egomaniac anymore.
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