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Iain-Kinloch Blog

I'm Back + SSBB Friend Code

Hello again. I'm back from my trip down south now. Actually, I was gonna' write this a few days ago when I really got back. I was gonna' say how I had a great time, how amazing the sky was the night I got back (It was this amazing pinky-orange colour. It was gorgeous) and most importantly how I met a new friend named Katy (Or Kaity, can't remember how you spell it).

The problem with that was that I couldn't be bothered with booting up the PC and it's taken me a few days to get round to it. Yeah sorry about that.

The only slightly disappointing thing from the whole thing was that I never got to climb Snowdon. Oh well.

Happily, I've been able to get online now I'm back home and so I now have my SSBB FC. It is: 0731-6658-1009.

See you soon and I hope to brawl each and every one of you.

Away From Home and Two New Games (edit)

Hey, how is everybody? Enjoying Brawl now it finally got here?

Anyway, I'm actually writing this in the back room of my brothers house down in Liverpool. That's 500 miles away from my own PC (if you can even call it that anymore, that thing has a mind of it's own).

Right, new games. I recently got Lego Indiana Jones. It's great, if you liked any of the Lego Star Wars games it's a must have. The other game I got was, surprise surprise, SSBB .Do I really need to say anything here? No, thought not.

I'm guessing at this point you're expecting my FC to appear. Well, being 500 miles away from home has it's advantadges and it's disadvantadges. You see, being here is great mainly 'cause I get to see my brother (who I last saw at Christmas) and because I was able to get SSBB. The downside is that my brother doesn't have wireless, I don't have a USB Wi-Fi dogle majig...thing and the nearest PC to the TV is about 10 metres away. So...I have no idea what my FC is 'cause I can't get online. Yeah sorry about that.

Hmm, the only other new thing is that I wrote a new review (does anybody really care?) for Race Driver: Create and Race on the DS. I thought the review was fairly good, it was quite long at least, but for some reason some of my reviews aren't coming up on my profile. I checked, they are all still there if you look for them. Wonder where the shortcuts went.

Hmm, one last thing. Sorry it took me so long to post a new blog, I've been busy making the most of summer with my family. I'll be going to the Isle of Man soon, then to Ireland so this might be m last blog for quita a while.

Until next time, Bye.

edit: Make that 3 new games. I recently got StarFox Command for £8. It's great, I'm happy. 'Til next time.

Seriously, How Awesome is This Guy?

Pretty random blog if I'm being honest. It's been a while since my last and I didn't want to keep delaying it like I used to. So here it is, my new new blog.................yay?

My last blog was all serious and if I do say so myself I didn't like it that much, I just thought I'd see what making a serious blog was like...BORING! So from now on it's back to my usual randomness.

OK, what is there to talk about. Well I gotta' say, Fox McCloud (StarFox) rules. I just think he's great but possibly his first game from way back (1993 or thereabouts me-thinks) on the SNES is even better, I just can't put it down lately, well, apart from the last two days when I've been ill so I couldn't do anything. Fox is awesome, 'nuff said. This reminds me, is StarFox Command worth getting? It looks quite good but for me StarFox will always be about flying into the screen blasting the living daylights out of stuff, not flying in an arena. But I've never played it so I don't know.

Hmmm what else. Oh yeah. I downloaded my first Wii Ware game. Toki Tori. Sorry to all of you who recommended LostWinds, I was interested in both games but I was a bit short on points, Toki Tori was cheeper (see what I did there?) so I went for that. This brings me on to something else. Something that pretty much never happens. Us Europeans got TT the day Wii Ware launched at a price of 900 points. From what I know, The U.S. of A. didn't get it 'til later at 1000 points. So for once we actually got a better deal. WHA...!?!?!?! Since when does that happen? Not that I'm complaining or anything. By the way, I'll probably get LostWinds later, it does look good.

Oh for goodness sake, I just spilled Pepsi all over some stuff (including me), I really should be more careful. R_A_N_D_O_M!!!

Fox McCloud

Well I guess I'll post a new blog soon, see ya'.

The Nintendo Wii, the Download King?

Just over ten days ago, the only thing the Wii had in terms of downloadable stuff was the VC. The VC is great with literally hundreds of classics to download (I've personally downloaded a couple myself), but that was it, for Europe at least.

Then exactly ten days ago Wii Ware was released here in Europe. Great. Some new, Wii only games that made some genuinely good use of the controllers (LostWinds anyone?). But I still wasn't sure, could the Wii be the best console for downloads? From what I know the PS3 has some pretty cool stuff like Pain. But the PS3 has more new origional stuff that the Wii is still missing at the moment. And as for Xbox Live well, I have no idea. Is Xbox Live any good?

But in the past couple of days, or maybe even today, a new thing was released here called the Nintendo Channel. Personally I had never heard of it. I went to the Shop Channel earlier to see if any new Wii Wrae games had come through (no such luck) and came across a thing that said "Introducing the Nintendo Channel". Just out of interest I clicked it.

It bassically told me everything I wanted to hear since the day I got my Wii online. The Nintendo Channel is a free download to the Wii menu which then gives you access to lots of information about up-coming games, watch videos, read interviews and, best of all, send demo's to your DS. YAY!

Without bothering to see what all the buttons do (does anyone else love seeing what buttons do?) I went to the DS Download Service page and got me a stripped-down Mario Kart DS. Cool. The demo's not bad, 2 tracks and a basic multiplayer. I just hope a certain friend hasn't given his DS back to another friend yet, 'cause then he wont get to see it. Oh, and you can download the demo to two DS's at a time, just thought I'd mention it.

This just got me thinking. Along with the largest number of classic games, arguably the most interesting new games, and now free demo's, trailers, interviews, info on new games etc. Does this mean that the Wii is the best console for Downloads? What do you guys think?

I got Mario Kart Wii

The title says it all really, I have now got Mario Kart Wii. It's great, and the Wii Wheel is awesome, I'm definately gonna' keep using it instead of another controller. The online is great to. At first I struggled a lot and kept coming last or second last, but now I've completed some GP's it's all coming together nicely, mainly 'cause I keep coming around third now. I have also tried my hand at some competitions. The one I tried was a simple drive through all the rings thing that went quite well, and I'm ranked quite well compared to everyone else in the world, not great but quite high up. Anyway, Mario Kart Wii rules, if any one is interested I will post my friend code.

What else. Oh yeah, since my last blog I got The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and think it's great, but no where near as addictive as MK.

Wii Ware is up and running and I think I might download something eventually...any ideas?

Also, the big horrible exams from hell are almost over, I've got one more and no one really cares much about it so I'm not going to worry, just sit back and relax.

The only other thing I can think to say is that Summer looks like it's gonna' be great, because for some reason the weather has been so nice here. It normally rains 24/7 and now we've had 5 weeks with nothing but sunshine. Well, except that one time when it did rain, but it wasn't exactly heavy.

That's it I guess. I hadn't done a blog in well over a month so I thought it was time for an update, just wrote things off the top of my head, well, see you later I suppose.

Man I'm good...or am I?

As some of you might know, my lv./ranking has been really wierd lately. First of all, I got to the end of lv.15, logged in the next day and found I was now lv.17. Yep, I somehow skipped lv.16 all together, strange huh? Well it get's wierder. I rushed through lv.17 in about 10 days, that's really quick but not totally ridiculuos. I got to 98% colmpletion on lv.17, logged in the next day and I was 24.2% through lv.18. Bizzare, yes, but there is more! The next day I was 74.2% through lv.18, I skipped exactly 50% in one day...what?

And now, having ended lv.17 3, yes, just 3 days ago, I'm now lv.19 Gitaroo Man or what ever it is.

I'm not complaining about going through the different levels so fast, but 50% in one day and missing lv.16 all together makes me think something screwy's going on. Has this happened to anyone you know? Has it happened to you? Do you know why this might be happening? These are all questions I want answered, I just don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, what do you think?

Please comment.

I got No More Heroes

Yeah, I got No More Heroes, sweet. I actually got it yesterday using a combination of vouchers (that I still had from Christmas) and store credit to get it for free, yay, free, I like free stuff :) It's definately getting a 9.0 from me, maybe higher, doubt it though.

Moving on, does anybody know when Wii Ware will launch, I know it'll be aroud May but not much else, is anyone else looking foward to Wii Ware?

P.S. Thanks mad_simon for recomending NMH to me, you were definately right about it.

It's official, I'm great...well, maybe not

Woo Hoo. OK, I'm now the 1391th best in the world at MoH: Heroes 2. My overall score is 150 (believe me, it's a lot harder to get that than you'd think) and I have well over 1000 kills. None of this sounds like much but it's been hard to get these milestones, probably 'cause I'm not exactly what you'd call great but still.

Moving on, it's now the Easter Hols, YAY!!!!!! No school for two weeks.

Now if you'll excuse me I gotta' go and celebrate. Bye :lol:

At last this week's over

What a week, four of the hardest tests I have ever done, and there all over!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, to make this weekend even sweeter I got my hands on Medal of Honour: Heroes 2 for the Wii. To cut to the chase, it's awesome. OK, fair enough the single players nothing to get excited about but the multiplayer, now that's a different story. 32 people shooting, strafing, throwing grenades and generally killing everyone is fantastic. I now know what I've been missing all these years, a great online game, and now I have one. Yay!

Ahem, yeah this is a pointless blog but it's been a while since I posted one and now I have something to write about so I did.

Well, guess I'll see you all later:)

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