So, I was just surfing GS for some new(any new) info on the upcoming Square-Enix release Final Fantasy XIII, having resigned myself to the fact that VersusXIII is on the DL for the moment. I realised after a few hours of searching here and on various other websites that I have show and am currently showing signs of Fan boy-ism. I need to say that I have, ever since VIII been a colossal Final Fantasy fan, I truly love the games and they are the sole reason why i got into JRPGs in the first place.
In the years since I have never lost my passion for the classic JRPG, as a matter of fact when Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy XII came out at the same time in Europe(back when I was living in Europe) I played ab out 120 hours on DQ and about 50 hours on FF XII, although that may have been attributed to the fact that my FF disc got badly scratched, lol, fail...
So, why am i saying this?? I guess to ask IF fan boy-ism is a bad thing?? I know, i am no idiot, there are infinite draw backs to being a fan boy, a lack of objectivity that allows for a more complete gaming experience, being one of them, but here is the question, is it fair to say to the blind man, "Guess what, if you could see I think you would agree that Monet is a much better painter then Manet." he is blind, he has a narrowed view of the world, one he loves and appreciates all the same and one that while he might not share with you and incomparable to yours and vice versa.
Just some thoughts, love to hear any and all comments thx all first blog on GameSpot!
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