IamSliM / Member

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My Personal Museum

Whew...so I cleaned my game room this weekend. Wow, there is so much space when I get all  my stuff off the floor!  I had no idea!  I still am in desperate need of some shelves and cabinets, but haven't thought of how I want it.  Finally tho, all my games are in stacks and up against one wall, my boxed systems are next to them, and my movies and boxed models against the other wall.  Since we moved our computer to the living room television, the computer desk was bare, so I placed my 1980's handhelds and tabletops on there.  When I reach level 10, Ill post some nice video's of what I've collected.  I like looking at my old video games, its like my own museum.  I guess thats collecting, its like a personal museum.  I have so much fun collecting, I may have to buy a bigger townhome because of it.  We have four arcade games in our loft area, and I think it may be room overload.

  SO, now that I have some organization for the 1st time in a year, I was able to enter in what I believe is every game I currently have in my collection.  I know I have a few pc games sitting around, but I dont think I even know how to get them working anymore, or dont care to try and figure it out, so I may never list them.  If I keep pace with how often I buy games, it wont be such a project again.  I really wish gamespot offered a way to say the list to my computer, beyond copy and paste, and save page.  I  guess ill just print it, but its really great to have with my homeowner's property insurance, and even better, next time I go for a loan, it can go in my property owned value list.  I love accountants.  They are so smart.

  Last quick thought, I really wish Gamespot listed old handheld and tabletop games.  Such as the table top Frogger, Pac-Man, or the Game & Watch series.  Also consoles would be great.  Oh well, still great as it is.