IamTakkun / Member

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Next Next Generation

With E3 wrapped up in a nice little bow I got to thinking about what's in store for us in the future.

With the technology running faster than our pocket books could keep up, what is next?

First thing I expect to see on the plate is the storage issue. Forget quantity and focus on quality. SSD is the wave of the future and is a must for my next next generation system! With SSD we could easily cut load times from seconds to milliseconds. Image where gaming could go if your emotional connections to the characters weren't interrupted with load screens. Secondly we shouldn't be so hung up on graphics. 1080p or 1920x1200 are nice an all, but if they are diluted by 20 fps, what's the point? Keep the fps at 60 fps on 120 Hz and the visuals should keep any gamer pleased! Along with Blu Ray compatibilies they should have no reason to not meet the highest quality game production available.

This the briefest list I've thought of lately, but duty calls.