IamtheKreator's forum posts
what if the god isnt your god?Before the big bang whier the universe started their was no time , space , or matter . HOW COULD THE UNIVERSE HAVE BEEN CREATED FROM NOTHINGNESS . YOU CANNOT CREATE SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING . It it not one of the laws of psychics ? Their for their had to be a god to to create something from nothing . If you have a answer for me please tell me .
Live forever, drink blood, sleep at day and live at night, feeling nothing, you know. Would you? illpiercedniniono then because lonely 14 year old mall kids would follow me everywhere.
If I could be anything like that, I would be a warewolf and kill mallgoths endlessly. Goths are bad. LAME GOTHS. I would lift 10 of them above my head and break them down the middle... right in half.
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