While I personally don't play a ton of indie games, this is extremely true. Almost all of the most popular games nowdays are indie. Hell, take Steam, for example. Nearly the entire point of the client is to be able to buy a wide selection of indie games, and it's only getting more and more popular. It's also important to remember that supporting indie games doesn't mean that Sony won't be releasing AAA titles, as some of the people in the comments seem to think.
While I understand what the article's saying, if people didn't want the remasters of older games, they wouldn't be buying them. In fact, I'm the only one that I know who buys any of them. Not everyone wants to spend money on essentially a game they already own. There's a reason I'm mainly drawn to HD Collections, and it isn't entirely, or even mostly, due to nostalgia. Those games were often better than the current ones. Take DMC3 for example. I spent easily 100 hours playing the original, hundreds of hours on Special Edition, and now over 100 hours on the HD version. I've spent hundreds of hours playing FFX. Once FFX HD comes out, I'll be playing that nonstop. I realize that these're just examples, but I'm not alone. If I were, HD re-releases wouldn't keep being released.
Older games focused on good characters, soundtracks, and stories. Now, graphics're the biggest concern, which is an absolute shame. Calling most of these re-releases "HD" in the first place is even a stretch.
TLDR: Most old games were better, this isn't mainly due to nostalgia.
HOLY SHIT! That's extremely impressive, especially compared to some of the other HD versions of PS2 games (DMC, Ratchet & Clank, etc.). Even more incentive to get this day one.
IceDefenseGod's comments