First and for most, game spot and the guys that covered the entire live show did an awesome job, those guys rock.
If you were watching you would see that gamespot got a live interview with the women from TRL (fergot her name) That no one else got. at least up until that point, wether some one interviewed her afterwards or not I dunno, but they were definatly the first ones to interview her.
Also those guys did an outstanding job of answering the questions that came in while they were waiting around. Defenatly sense the dude was using a hand held, he did pretty good with it, and the guys who were answering answered realy quick witch was sweet.
If you were watching you would notice that gamespots camera's were among one of the very first camera's let into the toys r us store. You could see where they were standing that there was not many people there at the begining, at least I didnt notice any other camera's, if there was some there it was very few. Sense they were there so early they got a good spot at the cash registers to watch the first Wii be sold, but some goobers pushed in front of them, wich I dont think was a fair thing to do. The camera still got a good shot of the moment where the first Wii was being sold any ways, becuase these guys are amazing.
I think the guys with the mic's did a wanderfull job of interviewing the people. I think they were polite and considering when all the other reporters rushed infront of them after the Wii was sold the the Tri-force dude, and didnt try to push every one out of there like the rest were doing. If you guys are upset they didnt get an interview after Tri-Force got the Wii, you realy shouldnt be. they did the best they could, and they did a good job of it.
Thank you guys from gamespot you guys rock, I look forward to watching many more live internet feeds from gamespot, becuase like I said before you guys rock. (haha im saying this like there actualy reading it IM INSANE XD)