As you can tell by looking at my avatar, I love assasins creed, so when I got my copy of Game Informer a few weeks ago I was overjoyed. I know that the first Assassin's creed got bad reviews because of glitches, repetitiveness witch is arguable in my eye, and the so called crappy ending didn't wash well with others.
BUT me on the other hand, I never had an glitch problems, I LOVED the ending, and it did not at all seem more repetitive than every other game on the planet (All games are repetitive in there own way if you really stop to think about it). So I have been for a while looking forward to the new Assassin's Creed. I knew there was going to be a sequil, it was just a matter of time.
So I read in the article and I saw the new setting and new Protagonist. Frankly the new Assassin (I can't recall if they mentioned his name) Looks pretty damn sweet and his assassin look seems well adjusted to the time period and place setting. Not to mention the side by side screen shots of the real places in Italy compared to the same place in the game! That just screams eye candy. But I am not all about the graphics, there just an added bonus. The best part I love is that they have revamped the fighting system, claiming to have added new weapons and better button layout for combat. Also stealth kills will be more realistic and more responsive than before. Also they have added an item called "Da Vinci's Flying machine". And judging by the picture in the magazine it looks very steam-punk-ish, and I LOVE steam-punk. So I am looking forward to seeing how that thing handles in the sky. And how it will be incorporated in the game play if it is.
If you haven't read the magazine article about it and your interested, you should, because my memorie can be crap. Also I only touched on the points I thought were most interesting that I am looking forward to the most.
What do you guys think about the new Assassins Creed 2 reviews, are you looking forward to this game too?
Did you even like the first Assassins Creed?