In the beginning...
by IceHawk25 on Comments
Well, I don't really have a lot to say; I'm just starting this bad boy off. I would like to introduce myself as an individual who loves gaming. I enjoy all types of games but prefer games that involve lots of strategy (Civilization, C&C, WarCraft etc.) as opposed to shoot 'em up, run and run, ballz to the wallz action that you can't keep up with because its too damn fast (thats right Unreal Tournament... I'm looking at you). I would consider myself a very social gamer as well. I am more opt to play a game with friends (especially GameCube or over the Internet) than alone. I recently just finished Resident Evil 4 and I would just like to say that if you haven't already beaten it or even picked it up you should immediately because it is definatly one of those experiences that you, as a self respecting gamer, need to experience. If you don't you will very out in the cold and you just don't want that. Okay, well enough ranting and more gaming!