I'm back! Sorry I haven't been on much lately, but it's been a few really busy weeks for me.
First of all I've been working on our semester assignment at school. Instead of an exam, we work on a project for 2 months that will determine most of our final grade. I had a lot of trouble with mine, as I worked in pair with a guy that -never- did his part. He didn't show up at school unless I called him and whined. He lived right next to the school, but it took him several hours to show up after I called as well. For a long time I couldn't do much else than just wait for him to finish his tasks so that we could compile it together into an animation. On the day we were supposed to be done I was stranded alone at school with a half finished product. That's right, he didn't even show up to explain to the teachers. I called a meeting with our teachers, where I told them what had happened and and explained how I felt that my assignment had been "sabotaged" by him. They completely agreed with me, and had noticed this themselves. Bottom line is that I sat and worked for two weeks after school had ended so I could finish the project without much of his help. I hope I never meet the guy again..
In the middle of this, me and my boyfriend have moved back to my home city, Bergen. So you can probably imagine how stressful those two weeks in June were. First I had to spend hours at school to work on the animation project, and then I went straight home to pack our stuff and wash out the appartment. On top of that, Metal Gear Solid 4 was released and I sadly got very little time with it before moving. Right now we live in an appartment with my brother while we look for jobs and a place of our own.
As soon as MGS4 was released, I stayed away from the internet. I was -that- afraid of spoilers. I didn't even stay away when I read the last Harry Potter book, but with MGS4 I wouldn't even let people talk about it near me. "Sssshhhh!! I haven't finished it yet! Shut up!" I did finish it a week ago. I'll be honest and say that I still think MGS3 is the best in the series, but MGS4 was wonderful too. And I got to see a lot to Otacon, which made me veeeeery happy (I love the guy, can't help it). I won't say anything else though. I would hate to spoil anything for people who haven't played yet (Yes, William, I'm looking at you).
After we moved to Bergen, we got the dreaded Red Ring of Death. That's right, our beloved 360 died on us. It's a first generation though, so it's a miracle that it lasted 3 years in the first place. I'm not sure what happened, but I have my theory. We rented a thingy to store all our stuff in when we moved. I honestly can't figure out an english word for it. Those thingys that you connect to your car and then you can load what you want to on it and drive it where you want. You can have a boat on some special ones for example. Get what I mean? Ayways, we rented one of those. A big closed one, as we had to drive for 8 hours and it was raining. However, water still leaked in and gave us a nasty surprise. We didn't find anything that had been damaged by the water at first sight. Most of our stuff is still in boxes though, so we haven't checked everything. The Xbox wasn't near the water itself, but maybe the humid air in there affected it? We tried to complain to the guy we rented it from, but he said that is was our fault because we probably had stored something against the doors that made them open a bit. LIES! Our stuff didn't even fill the thingy completely, so there was nothing near the door, but we have no way of proving that. Our PS3 and Wii are working fine at least.
We were lucky enough to find a special offer on a 360 Arcade. It was half price even. We already have 2 controllers and a harddisc from the busted one, so we don't need anything more. Talk about luck! We ordered it and are waiting for it to arrive. Soon I can finish Lost Odessy and play some more Mass Effect.
We also got Super Smash Bros, which was recently released in Europe. And what great fun it is! Me, Daniel and my brother have fun brawling it out for hours. One evening two of my brother's buddies came over and we played for about 7 hours! I lauged so hard I cried at one point. We have unlocked all characters now, but I haven't tried to play all of them yet. I'm going to try Toon Link, that's for sure!
Since we got to Bergen, I have been very busy with catching up with my friends and family as well as keeping an eye out for a job. I actually don't want a job in the 3D industry just yet, because that would force me to move to Oslo, our capital. I want to stay home a little while. I also want to do more studying, there is just so much I want to learn. What I want to do right now is to find some job or other, and go to an evening school so I can study Photography. First of all, I need to focus on getting a job, then an appartment, and take the rest from there. It's a very exciting time for us! Fingers crossed that it all turns out well.
I have a lot to catch up on here in GS now. I hope you have all been well during my absence. I'll check out your blogs soon!
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