Oh man. I haven't blogged in forever. Anyways, here's a blogalicious blog for you. :D
Sooo about 8 days ago, I turned 15. Yay me. :lol: Only one more year till I can drive a car!
Ohohoh, I am now officially braces free! I sat in the chair for two hours, and the orthodontist took 'em off. He had this weird spinny tool that had an extremely sharp edge and blew cold air and water at my face and smelled like onions. :? It was pretty strange.
New episode of Bones was tonight! Man, I love that show. Even if I pretty much only watch it for David Boreanaz. I keep waiting for him to turn into a vampire, though! :P This episode was... well, lets just say interesting. Funny as always, though. I liked last weeks better, with the clay horse and stuff. :D Can't wait till next weeks! Looks pretty good.
Lastly, I dropped by my local comic store, which is actually called "The Comic Shop". Heehee. I bought Wolves at the Gate: Part 2, and read it. Let's just say this: THEY NEED TO BRING ANYA BACK IN SOME WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. Seriously. That would totally fulfill my life. :P Oh, and I saw a collection of all the 'Fray' comics. $19.95, now I'm saving up to buy it. I heard it was vair good. :D